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When is surgery necessary and at what age is it advisable to perform it? The dog in question is only 10 months old.

Re: Ectropian

Have you gotten a second opinion and know for sure it's Ectropian? Sometimes things like this are caused by in irritation that meds can fix.

Re: Ectropian

Surgery is not always needed unless it's very severe. This is caused by the shape of the head and at 10 months the puppy is still growing and developing. You may want to ask your vet if he/she can tack the eye. This is done with a special type of stitching that can be left in for months at a time. When they are taken out, many times because the head has grown and changed, the Ectropian is gone. If it's very severe, you would need to do it now as it can be painful and lead to other problems.

Re: Ectropian

Do you mean ectropion or entropion

Re: Ectropian

Do you mean ectropion or entropion

Could be either

ectropion is turning out of the eye lid
entropion is the turning in of the eye lid

Re: Ectropian

The puppy in question is a puppy that I bred. No label has been given but it is a turning out of the lower lid. The vet has been after the owners to do surgery for months. The owner sent a picture and it sure looks benign to me. I suggested the same thing as one of the other posters. . . 10 months is too young to do surgery and that the owner should get a second opinion with a veterinary ophthalmologist.
Thanks for the advice.

Re: Ectropion

Sold a puppy to a friend who was always concerned about a little droopiness to the lower eyelid and some red third eyelid showing. The puppy is now almost eight months and just had a cerf and no mention of ectropion. They grow and just because it is a little baggy, does not constitute ectropion. Get an optho opinion.

Re: Ectropian

Is that ectropion causing any clinical problem? If it is just cosmetics, I wouldn't risk a surgery because of a little droopy eye. Sounds like the vet needs some $$$.
Anyway, never correct ectropion before the dog is full grown.

Re: Ectropian

Anyway, never correct ectropion before the dog is full grown.[/quote

This is why you never take advise so freely from a forum. Ecropion or Entropion can be severe enough on a younger animal that it needs corrective surgery. This may be at 7 months, 12 months, full grown. Surgery is done due to the severety of the problem. It's not automatically fixed with growth. A severe case can cause numerous issues and it's not something you just let go until the pup is an adult. There are times when it's nothing more then droopy eyes and there are times tacking will work as another poster mentioned but to make a blanket statement that you automatically do not do surgery until a dog is full grown is not only bad advise but also could lead to other severe problems.