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Davie results?

OK, I figured I would ask even before the show has started, so there is nothing sneaky about it.LMAO!!!
Please post results as they become available. Save the drama.

Re: Davie results?

Sorry. Can't do. You want results from Davie? You GET drama. No deal here. I am LMAO already. So much entertainment! Maybe TV cameras will show up!

Re: Davie results?

That wouldn't be a bad idea. Have somebody to make a video, and post it in You tube. There might be snow in Miami after all

Re: Davie results?

...just results!

WD/BOW Rosewater Just a Gigolo
WB/BOS Winquest Chambray Jewel in the Ruff
BOB Ch. Signal Hill Joey
BV Ch. Chambrays Mad about Madeline

Congratulations to all the winners

Re: Davie results?

Congratulations to all the winners and participants. It was a better day in Fl.

Re: Davie results?

I would like to extend my congratulations to all the winners of today's show. I think a nice time was had by all. I was happy to see so many smiling faces. Of course, I'm especially proud of Tonio's & Maddie's wins. Special congratulations to Tonio's mommy and my friend, Adrienne. We're very proud of our boy. The icing on the cake for me, of course, was Maddie's Veteran Group 1. There's nothing like the feeling in my heart when I see this beautiful girl, now 9 years old, in the show ring again. Of course, I cried. She looked gorgeous in Group and in BIS. I really want to thank everyone who stayed through the end to cheer her on. Maddie knows applause and cheering. She thanks everyone too.

Re: Davie results?

Congratulations to all who participated, for even the dogs that didn't win deserve some merit for being there.
It's so nice when it's about the dogs and not the "Drama Queens" who need to be heard and seen on this forum!
Way to go Maddie, you brought tears to my eyes!

Re: Davie results?

Yes congrats to all the winners. It is nice that there can be some good sportmanship for a change. Change is good.