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tick preventative

Just read an article in the star ledger how the topical preventatives are going to be forced to do more testing due to so many reactions ranging from neurological to rashes. Given that they can take between 24-48 hrs to kill a tick and, that is the same amount of time it takes to transmit disease is anyone going back to the tick collars like preventic. And, if so how has your exp. been-I last used a collar over 16 yrs ago and then the dogs neck got irritated.
Any other preventative measures?
Thanks everyone

Re: tick preventative

I went back to Preventic collars last Fall. I haven't seen a single tick since I started using the collars.

Re: tick preventative

do you leave them on all the time?
any reaction to them?
thanks Susan

Re: tick preventative

Yes, I leave them on all of the time. I have not seen any reaction to them. I have had tick diseases in my dogs in the past, even though I have used Frontline continuously, so it makes me feel good that I haven't seen a single tick with the collars on.

One of my friends (multiple dogs - also does field work) has been using them on her dogs since last Summer and is really happy with them. She's the one who suggested that I try them.

Re: tick preventative

thank you for the feedback!

Re: tick preventative

Keep in mind that if your dog eats or chews on a Preventic collar it can cause heart arrhythmias and even death. The active ingredient is amitraz. I do not use them for this reason and a close call with one of my own dogs.

Re: tick preventative

Keep in mind that if your dog eats or chews on a Preventic collar it can cause heart arrhythmias and even death. The active ingredient is amitraz. I do not use them for this reason and a close call with one of my own dogs.

You're not wrong snort.

I've never used preventic but I found this on a website that sells them.

They should be used with caution in different situations.

The Preventic Tick Collar contains Amitraz, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), and should not be used on pets being given any other MAOI such as Anipryl or selegiline. Humans taking MAOI medications or who are diabetic should use this product with caution and should wash hands thoroughly after applying the collar. Use rubber gloves when putting the Preventic Tick Collar on your pet.

Re: tick preventative

to above posters, thank you very much for this information...
I'm guessing you stick with Frontline...

Re: tick preventative

read that article again it says most of the problems came about when owners were not properly using the topicals
they were using doses for larger dogs on toy breeds

Re: tick preventative

Hi~ I like K-9 Advantix for my crew. I find it works better than Frontline if you deal w/ ticks a lot/dogs in the field, etc.