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Semen Tubes

Where do most of you buy your tubes for shipping semen? A fellow breeder gave us some clear tubes with a blue top and we liked them, breeder can't remember where she purchased them. Bought some clear tubes with clear tops from Minitube, yet would really like to get the tubes with the blue tops again, if anyone can suggest where to find these or where you buy your tubes from. Thanks for the help!

Re: Semen Tubes

Reproduction Resources has the blue capped tubes I think. I prefer the orange ones from Cornell cause you can read the volume marks better. I just bought those on

Re: Semen Tubes

Breeder: I believe what you are referring to is the Buffer Tubes from Mini-Tube. Just call and tell them what you need and how many and they will ship them right out.

Re: Semen Tubes

I have some from Minitube and they only have the clear tops. I will check with RR. Thanks for the help!

Re: Semen Tubes

If you ask for the Buffer Tubes from Mini-Tube they are Clear with Blue Tops

Re: Semen Tubes

reproduction resources has 50ml centrifuge tubes with either yellow or orange caps in their catalog. The orange is made by corning. Don't see a blue cap, but check on their web site. These are the larger tubes that you place the clear semen tube that minitube gives you in. I usually just use the orange capped tubes by themselves that hold 15ml.