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Is anyone out there receiving their results from Ingen? I sent my tests off in Jan/Feb and see that they have been accepted...Has anyone received their results lately? I am wondering how long the wait is or should I retest elsewhere? Thank you!

Re: Ingen

I think they went out of business.

Re: Ingen

Is anyone out there receiving their results from Ingen? I sent my tests off in Jan/Feb and see that they have been accepted...Has anyone received their results lately? I am wondering how long the wait is or should I retest elsewhere? Thank you!

Their site is still up but I've heard no one is recieving results, some as far back as August. If you search this board you might find other posts as recent as a few weeks back.

Call and email them, it's worth a try. There's a good chance what the 2nd poster said is where INGEN is headed.

It was good while it lasted.

Re: Ingen

I heard of some people getting results back last month. There seems to be hope!

Re: Ingen


It was good while it lasted.

No, it was cheap while it lasted. It was good only if the results were accurate, which is a big question considering the laboratory contamination last year.

Re: Ingen

I think they are still in up and running, but very slowly. Test results seem to be trickling in if you check out their FB site and their statistics tracking link. Not mine though and I gave up and sent away for DDC and should have results within a week for at least the EIC.

Re: Ingen


It was good while it lasted.

No, it was cheap while it lasted. It was good only if the results were accurate, which is a big question considering the laboratory contamination last year.

Exactly. I started sending my samples to DDC They guarantee the accuracy and I get my results in a few days.