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Antisocial puppy?

Has anyone every had a litter of puppies were one puppy did not play with the other puppies. This puppy seems normal otherwise but does seem to tire more easily. While other pups are playing this pup is always off playing by herself.

Should I give special attention to placement for a pup like this?

Re: Antisocial puppy?

How old ?

Re: Antisocial puppy?

7 weeks. Does not seem as interested in playing with us either.

I am worried that it is going to be hard to place this puppy. Other pups very social and outgoing. When pulled from the litter pup still chooses to go off by herself.

Re: Antisocial puppy?

You said the pup tires more easily. Maybe there is a medical problem, I'd have the puppy vet checked. Could there possibly be a heart problem ?

Re: Antisocial puppy?

Outside of the possible medical issue..

-Does it matter the time of day? It might be that the puppy is very active at night, and not during the day.

-Does this puppy get picked on by the other puppies?

-Is the puppy eating normally? Does he/she get a fair share of the food?

A suggestion before you take him or her to the vet, take the puppy out of the pack, with another pup and see how they are then.

Re: Antisocial puppy?

At that age they are into the pecking order. There might be a couple of pups over powering this pup. They give up play as much. Like someone said pull out one or two to play without all of them. I can have a quiet one and as soon as a couple of pups leave that one will come alive. And some litters just have a laid back pup and a really active pup. Thats why we try to match the pup with the familys.
Let us know.

Re: Antisocial puppy?

I second the recommendation of a vet visit for a thorough check-up. I had the same thing a few years ago and it WAS a heart issue...other pups picked up on the "difference" in that pup and did tend to pick on her. As a result, she tended to be a loner from the rest of the pack.

Re: Antisocial puppy?

After a thorough physical exam, really work on socialization. I just had a pup like this from my December litter. Took pup out most of the day to be with me or my children and he just blossomed! The only final issue I had to work with was an independent attititude with "come" which I like to informally teach before they go home. I just put him on a light leash at 7 weeks and spent 2 days calling and pulling him in and treating and then he had "come'. He went to a hunting home, he is now 12 weeks and dad who is experienced with training is delighted with pup's trainability; mom and kids love the friendliness of this once loner pup.

My concern with your post is "seems to tire more easillyl" has it been checked for a heart murmur?