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Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

It would be tough showing against littermates in every class. Then against sires and dams. Still fun though.

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Here we go again with the trouble makers creating trouble there was no drama at the shows.
I just checked the catalog and there was not a single littermate competing in a class against each other!!!
And only one mother/daughter combination.
Hey here's a tip, enter your dogs and take your chances, if they are better than what's showing then you will win the points!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

WD - Van Dalen Show Dens Top Gun
RWD - Rosewater Just A Gigolo
WB/BW/OS - Chambrays Emerald in the Ruff
RWB - Chambray Winquest Queen of Hearts
BOB - Joe Napolitano
Congratulations to all the winners. No drama in Davie. It appears the drama is being created elsewhere. Stop.

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

BOB was Ch. Signal Hill Joey - Joe Napolitano is his handler

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Congratulations to all the winners!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

The dogs that won.................won! Congratulations to the owners, breeders and handlers.
The dogs that were not entered had no chance!
Make it all about the dogs, take advantage of the entries, because they are way down everywhere else.
Enter your dogs and let the best dogs win!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Credit to where credit is due.

The breeders that are responsible for the quality, not just the immediate ones in the catalog, but also the ones 2,3,4,5…and further generations back. Whether they are the “big names” with multiple litters a year or the “small fry” with a couple of litters to their credit, they are responsible for perpetuating the great traits from those foundation dogs of the past.

To the owners that are responsible for the preparation and all that it entails, all the time, energy and money that is needed to bring a dog along and then to enter it at the dogs shows over and over again. With today’s economic situation, that must really be huge hardship on most and I am sure that many dogs showing today will exhaust the available funds needed to finish! With the falling numbers at the dog shows, majors will not be available even in those areas where they were once plentiful, so finishing a dog will require much fortitude.

To the handlers that do their very best to present the dogs in their best light, win the largest percent of the time and make a living doing something they really like doing and are really good at it and must stay neutral through all the emotional stuff that naturally occurs at a dog show!

To the local dog clubs that are suffering big time just breaking even and some are on the verge of folding up the tents and weathering the storm. Membership is way down, even with some of the old timer clubs and volunteers are hard to find.

To the AKC that is being affronted on many sides and finding it very difficult to stay afloat themselves.

Without any of the above cast members, this dog show stuff will end. It has been an American way of life for many, many years and for many, many people it has been a 3,4, or more family generation thing.

Yes, congratulations to all that were involved at the dog show in Ft Lauderdale and everywhere across the country and world. Let’s hope that in 10 year’s time we can still rejoice having dogs, raising dogs and going out in public with them!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Very well said. I totally agree.


shouldn't the 2010 schedule's number go lower because of the entries have been so low last year?

Re: OT

Unfortunetly, AKC bases the point schedule on a 3 year mean average, so 3 year's worth of entries are used to come up with the new year's point schedule. PLUS specialty entries are added to the all breed numbers to come up with the total for each area. Absent dogs are not excluded, so all those dogs that are entered at specialties as a form of catalog advertising will be included in averaging for the new years schedule. So, it will be a couple of years before we benefit from the lowered entries we see today. We can always pack up and take a vacation in Puerto Rico where something less than 10 dogs is a major.

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Credit to where credit is due.

The breeders that are responsible for the quality, not just the immediate ones in the catalog, but also the ones 2,3,4,5…and further generations back. Whether they are the “big names” with multiple litters a year or the “small fry” with a couple of litters to their credit, they are responsible for perpetuating the great traits from those foundation dogs of the past.

To the owners that are responsible for the preparation and all that it entails, all the time, energy and money that is needed to bring a dog along and then to enter it at the dogs shows over and over again. With today’s economic situation, that must really be huge hardship on most and I am sure that many dogs showing today will exhaust the available funds needed to finish! With the falling numbers at the dog shows, majors will not be available even in those areas where they were once plentiful, so finishing a dog will require much fortitude.

To the handlers that do their very best to present the dogs in their best light, win the largest percent of the time and make a living doing something they really like doing and are really good at it and must stay neutral through all the emotional stuff that naturally occurs at a dog show!

To the local dog clubs that are suffering big time just breaking even and some are on the verge of folding up the tents and weathering the storm. Membership is way down, even with some of the old timer clubs and volunteers are hard to find.

To the AKC that is being affronted on many sides and finding it very difficult to stay afloat themselves.

Without any of the above cast members, this dog show stuff will end. It has been an American way of life for many, many years and for many, many people it has been a 3,4, or more family generation thing.

Yes, congratulations to all that were involved at the dog show in Ft Lauderdale and everywhere across the country and world. Let’s hope that in 10 year’s time we can still rejoice having dogs, raising dogs and going out in public with them!

Finally you are realizing that it is not all about just you. Be happy with what you have because it can all be pulled out from under you quicker than you can blink one eye. None of us are at power here. You need other breeders dogs just as much as they need yours to make the numbers. As one idiot wrote, "it does not take three dogs to make a major" and that is correct, but it can take three dogs to make or break a major.

Don't be so high and mighty that you are bringing out so many dogs to make the numbers and that other breeders should thank you for it. You are only bringing out all of those dogs to benefit yourself.

Stop the madness.

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Do you have a crystal ball? Do you know who everyone that posts here is?
It was too good to be true. Leave it be. No one really wants to hear this same stuff over again. Go have some coffee and play with your dog for therapy!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

To Anono:

That is some scary stuff. If I was this breeder I would be looking over my shoulder. This sounds like a heavy duty obsession you have here! It even sounds like a threat! Get over it and get on with your life!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Shhh, the rest of the world does not care.....

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

It amazes me that this one person can manipulate so many as to draw attention to himself. Give it up. If you are what you claim to be, post something constructive and stop all this nonsensical chatter. No one cares about this - send an email to the other nut cases like yourself and stop clogging the forum with this garbage.

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Maybe he brings out so many dogs because the owners want to show the great dogs that he bred and they like the other owners. All the breeders should be proud of what they have bred so why should this breeder be any different. The clan as so many of you have labeled the owners seen to be having a great time at shows and maybe some of you should try it. One would think that if a breeder has so many dogs being shown that there is a reason. It's not because the economy is doing so great!!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

whatever you say he is great


Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

The dogs that won.................won! Congratulations to the owners, breeders and handlers.
The dogs that were not entered had no chance!
Make it all about the dogs, take advantage of the entries, because they are way down everywhere else.
Enter your dogs and let the best dogs win!

Check the breed counts in Raleigh, N.C.

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Yep, the dogs that won...........won, the dogs that weren't entered didn't have a chance.................if you think you have quality, competitive dogs, enter them and take your chances!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

All it takes is to enter a dog with some coat and type and you can clean up in south florida

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Don't forget to do your entries because if you don't enter your dogs they won't have a chance in heck and then you won't have a second chance to whine and complain if they don't win

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

You mean like how you whine n complain?

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

where are these dogs that can clean up in s fl or all of fl or anywhere else? I agree, can't win if you don't play, like the saying says "let the best dogs win", but you can't win if you don't show up,
show up and let the good times roll!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

If you got out more maybe you would see a few of these dogs.

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

so what you are saying is that there is no one else in Florida with dogs that are competitive to the ones that are now showing? that someone has bred for the upper hand and that no one wants to compete against those dogs that are now winning? if that is the case, then don't whine and complain when those are the only dogs that show up at the Fl dog shows!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

no! they do not show up because they want to compete against some real competition

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Opinions are like a....... and you sure are one. To make such a stupid statement. Show up at the shows and win then you're entitled to talk about the dogs in Florida. That has not happened so far this year so you must be waiting for someone to tell you that you can go out and play with your dog.

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Once in a life time advise:
Get a weekend off your jobs, and go to any of the big shows in Ga, SC or NC (just to mention the closer states). Meet the breeders and LOOK at the dogs.
Unfortunately, they won't bother going south, because they don't need to. There is plenty of extremely good dogs to pick studs, there is plenty of majors, and there is plenty of sportsmanship. No, not everybody loves everybody, but they are decent enough not show it in the open.
If you have a little brain left, you'll notice that ALL the dogs being shown are in a different league. You should even notice that they look like a different breed. You'll realize that most of your dogs are closer to a Greyhound than to a Labrador. I don't mean to offend, but it is the true.
When a new dog from the north comes down to FL and Wins, it is not coincidence, and it is definitely not that the handler knows the Judge. Get in your cars and drive. Get to know America. Get to know what you do.
This nonsense stupid threats about the FL shows only shows the lack of knowledge about the breed and good sportsmanship.
Stop making postings that only make people shake their heads disbelieving, and stop defending a lost cause!!!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

unfortunetley you sound like a lost cause with the gibberish you just spouted!

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

go have another drink....

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

to the poster that mentioned the greyhounds, you sound like one of the ones that was been breeding for a long time and can't even beat the greyhounds you mentioned, so go to the GA,SC, NC or better yet stick to the panhandle shows where you may pick up 1 pointers here and there

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

Do yourself and all of us a favor and go read a book about the structure of a dog. Or just go and read the labrador retriever breed standard and see if you can understand anything it says. It is clear that you don't know squat about the breed since you have resorted to name calling. See if you can understand what a hock is and where it is located on your dog. Go to a specialty and put your hands on a labrador that has a correct coat so that you will know what it feels like. You have no clue! You see your dog in the ring and you love it and you think it is pretty and because it is yours you think it should win. When your dog does not win you have no idea why and you get mad and you resent the person with the dog that wins. Grow up learn about the fancy and stop coming on here trying to prove something. You are not ready to play with the big boys.

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

first of all apply that to your own dogs if you are a breeder, then let us know where we can see your dogs, then do yourself a favor and go back and see who does the name calling and the instigating here and you will see that the person you are referring to doesn't need to come here and prove a point.

Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA


Re: Sunday Davie Results? TIA

S-t-u-p-i-d, some trainer under the pretense in drag. Now if this person thinks that Florida Labradors looks like a grayhounds get your eyes checked. This person needs to find a home to be committed to. My puppy is from the northwest and lives in Florida and is just beautiful. YOUR standard? Find something else to do!!