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Well, now that I've caught up on my sleep, I wanted to announce we have 9 new babies at our house. Our Risa, after keeping me up for 2 days, gave birth Friday to 11 babies. We lost 2 girls, but are happy that we have 3 girls and 6 boys! Risa and Boomer did good!

Re: Babies!

"Please do not use this Forum to place any form of advertisements. This includes *Puppies for sale and/or wanted* as well as *Stud Dog* advertisements and Litter Announcements.."

Re: Babies!

At the top of the page:
"Please do not use this Forum to place any form of advertisements. This includes *Puppies for sale and/or wanted* as well as *Stud Dog* advertisements and Litter Announcements.."

Puhleeze..have you nothing better to do but play cop?

No Babies!

Well, now that I've gone back to being sleep deprived, I don't to announce we have 9 new babies at our house. Our Risa, after not keeping me up for 2 days, didn't give birth Friday to 11 babies. We didn't lose 2 girls, but aren't happy that we have 3 girls and 6 boys! Risa and Boomer did not do good!


Re: Babies!

Not to seem stupid, but who is Boomer? Wish posters would put full name of dog in posts not just call name.

Re: Babies!

I agree. Can you imagine if we all posted the information on here when we had a litter?

Re: Babies!

Get a life. Some who don't breed much are so excited. The pups might all be sold. Why not be happy for breeders. I love to hear of new pups. We all breed our own so why would we be looking to buy a pup on here anyway. Sorry you have nothing better to do than play forum cop.

Re: Babies!

Chosing to email your friends on your own personal mailing list might be a better choice than announcing it on here wouldn't you agree?
Of course we are happy for her.

Re: Babies!

JMO - it's an ANNOUNCEMENT ONLY - so what! The breeder s/b offered CONGRATS and not this stupid nitpickin! If the announcement had said that "we have XXX number of pups for sale", then it could be considered an advertisement but it DIDN'T! Get a grip people please!

On the litter ANNOUNCEMENT.... CONGRATULATIONS on the lovely litter & I hope all goes well with the mom & pups!

Re: Babies!

Get a life. Some who don't breed much are so excited. The pups might all be sold. Why not be happy for breeders. I love to hear of new pups. We all breed our own so why would we be looking to buy a pup on here anyway. Sorry you have nothing better to do than play forum cop.

I totally agree with you!!

Re: Babies!

At the top of the page:
"Please do not use this Forum to place any form of advertisements. This includes *Puppies for sale and/or wanted* as well as *Stud Dog* advertisements and Litter Announcements.."

Congratulations on your litter!

Just to point out the obvious, anytime a dog ,product or club is mentioned specifically by name, it's legally a form of advertisement. I like that advsertising one's litter or dog for sale is discouraged, however, when someone posts information I am not one to jump on my pedestal and cry "fowl".lol. There are more important things in life,some people just are too wrapped up in themselves and so miserable they just GOTTA open their mouths. To each his own, I am still going to have a great day!
To the OP, enjoy those new babies