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Stud dogs that consitantly produce good top lines and tail sets

OK I have a very nice girl I am looking to breed from at some point this year, over all she is a nice short coupled well angulated, beautiful front, lovely kind eye and beautiful head and expression, however she does have a a not so good tail set, top line is actually good but her tail set could be better, what stud dogs are out there that do improve the tail set. I know the pups are a the sum result of both parents but I would like to try and improve on what she lacks. Thanks

Re: Stud dogs that consitantly produce good top lines and tail sets

no advertising, please leave your e mail address for private responses


Just a heads up that the **Jill** that is looking for a nice dog is not me.

But, thank you to all that sent me the private emails with your suggestions ;-)

Again, if anyone wants to email the *other* Jill, perhaps she'll post her email along with her name.

-Jill (Ickowski).

Re: Stud dogs that consitantly produce good top lines and tail sets

When I am looking for a particular trait, I start looking at dogs ie, with good toplines and tail sets and look at their pedigrees. Then I go to the Potomac and try to see for myself, which boys might be good for my bitch. Without studying both pedigrees, I don't think someone on the Forum can just shortcut the research for you.

shortcuts to breeding

Obviously some individuals believe
there are such shortcuts. Just so you all know, There are no such things.
Nobody should or would do your homework for you. Nobody should or would tell you which dog to breed your bitch to. When you register your litter , it asks who the "BREEDER" is of this litter,
who chose the stud dog for this bitch for this litter?!! If you want to have someone else to do that, then you list them as co-breeder, which indicates two people did the work to put this litter on the ground. One should earn the privledge of being called the breeder of a litter.

Re: shortcuts to breeding

I think the OP was only asking about stud dogs that are throwing good toplines and tailsets and not asking you to do the breeding for them.

Re: shortcuts to breeding

I am not the original poster but I'd like to read any responses too.

Re: shortcuts to breeding

Why always negative. We ask these questions of each other all the time. Arn't we here to help each other in life,(and dogs,ha!) What does it hurt to share and yes in the end we decide and we are the breeder of the litter. I love looking at a new litter and seeing you have gotten what you were breeding for to help correct your line. Why are we so jealous of each other.

Re: shortcuts to breeding

would you all just listen to yourselves, first of all question was a good one second of all hello, Jill knows her own rules and thirdly why not use the fourm to pick someones brain seeing how there are alot of breeders on this fourm, this is doing home work it is called the smart way not necessarily taking short cuts and for you head hunters out there always tring to stir something up go do it some place else and grow up , maybe get a new hobby besides tring to cause trouble.
I for one am interested in the stud dogs who consistently produce good tail sets and maybe there are other people wanting to know the same thing
Please be respectful of each other

Re: shortcuts to breeding

I know, it really is unfortunate this is considered "advertising" because I would love to hear the answers, too. Why can't we just give our opinions?

(Sorry Jill, guess I just like to come on here about once every three months and cause trouble. Just getting ready to cause a little trouble in person with you soon! Can't wait.)

Re: shortcuts to breeding

Hi Becky the reason that I do not allow the naming of specific dogs (on this forum) is because it get's out of hand very quickly. As many good things that may be said about each dog, is often countered with negative remarks as well, and I am not willing to babysit these threads to make certain that they do not get off track.

Re: shortcuts to breeding

So I think the best way to abide by the rules of the forum, is if you are wanting to inquire about a stud(s), post your email address with your post, and people can email you privately with their suggestions. I would then take those suggestions, research as much as you can, look at the get of these studs and then go out and see the studs yourself. This is actually a pretty good time to get your list together since Potomac is just around the corner. If you are new in the breed, then take your mentor with you. If you dont have a mentor, then when you are at ringside, ask questions! There are several individuals who are always willing to answer questions if you have any. But, make sure that you bring your homework.

If you can't see the dogs for yourself, and there is someone you know that is going, then give them your list and ask for their suggestions. I would suggest someone that has been in Labs for a while and has consistency within their kennel and have champions.

Best of Luck with your search.

Re: shortcuts to breeding

I really think it is hard to rely on someone else's opinion. What you like is often not what another breeder might like or value. Also with competition, I find some breeders don't talk nicely or truthful about other breeders stud dogs so they can promote their own kennel. Always talk to the owner of the Stud dog directly. There are many really nice Stud dogs who may not be at the Potomac or from a big time kennel but don't miss out on some really nice producers, just because they are not at the Potomac

Re: shortcuts to breeding

I think the OP was only asking about stud dogs that are throwing good toplines and tailsets and not asking you to do the breeding for them.

Thank you, you are correct, I can go to as many shows as I like and see some very nice dogs that have wonderful tail sets and top lines, but do they produce that, I am not advertising for a stud dog, after all it me and me alone that knows which lines will suit my girl, however there must be some dogs out there that consitantly produce what I am looking for, I certainly did not mean to start a fight and in fact wish I had never asked, I am sorry Jill, it didn't even occur to me that I had used your name, I don't think I will ever make this mistake again, thanks to the replys that weren't condecending and nasty.

Re: shortcuts to breeding

would you all just listen to yourselves, first of all question was a good one second of all hello, Jill knows her own rules and thirdly why not use the fourm to pick someones brain seeing how there are alot of breeders on this fourm, this is doing home work it is called the smart way not necessarily taking short cuts and for you head hunters out there always tring to stir something up go do it some place else and grow up , maybe get a new hobby besides tring to cause trouble.
I for one am interested in the stud dogs who consistently produce good tail sets and maybe there are other people wanting to know the same thing
Please be respectful of each other

You have restored my faith in Labrador breeders,It was a genuine question as this is what my girl needs.

Re: Stud dogs that consitantly produce good top lines and tail sets

To the OP can you please post a way to contact you.


Re: Stud dogs that consitantly produce good top lines and tail sets

If this was posted on the Woodhaven forum would a repy be allowed or do the same rules apply to that forum?

Re: Stud dogs that consitantly produce good top lines and tail sets

The problem is that there might be many Labs who consistently produce good top lines and tailsets. We could mention some but then without knowing the pedigree of your female we could be giving you names that could cause you to double up on other faults. You need to study pedigrees as well as what a dog produces.

Re: Stud dogs that consitantly produce good top lines and tail sets

To the OP can you please post a way to contact you.


I have added an e-mail address, just let me say that I am not in the USA, but we do have access to a number of dogs world wide.

Re: Stud dogs that consitantly produce good top lines and tail sets

I would agree, OP, that to study pictures, pedigrees, videos, and going to as many Labrador specialties as you can, will help you recognize the trait you are looking for IN A LINE of dogs.
Choose a stud dog whose line, for several generations, no matter who they are bred to, is KNOWN for the trait you are trying to stamp on your line. It's important to see several generations. Maturity and futurity classes are great for this, as well as the brood bitch and stud dog classes. Challenge yourself to determine how the get or produce is like the parents. You also learn so much from sitting and watching the puppy classes with a catalog, and write notes in the margin. You may do this stuff already, but if you have set ideas of a few qualities that you really want, while still keeping balance and the whole dog in mind, you can achieve your goal.
There's that cardinal rule of breeding that almost always rings true: "like begets like," especially where you see "like" over several generations!