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Selling pup with former heart murmur

I'd like some opinions on selling pet quality pup which had a heart murmur at 7 weeks, now is 12 weeks and murmur is gone. New families tune me out as soon as I say she formerly had a murmur. Several families have inquired about her who seem very suitable but are turned off as soon as I even mention past murmur. Any ideas for placing this lovely little girl? All of her many littermates are in their forever homes, but I just can't seem to sell her and she's lovely!

Re: Selling pup with former heart murmur

Dont say anything. She doesnt have anything wrong with her.

Re: Selling pup with former heart murmur

I realize you are trying to give "full disclosure" but do you really need to tell them she had a murmur? I have a line that tends to have puppy murmurs that do go away by the time the pups are 8-10 weeks old. I even went so far as to to color dopplars just to confirm that it wasn't TVD. It's always been just an innocent puppy murmur that the cardiologists told me wasn't located in a position to be concerned about. If the murmur is gone now, I would strongly suspect there will never be an issue.

I think sometimes pet people aren't really able to comprehend what we are trying to tell them and it just overwhelms them with all the information we throw at them. Plus, they don't understand how puppies grow. Cripes, even human babies can have heart murmurs as infants that go away as they get older and are perfectly fine. If you are convinced the pup is perfectly healthy now, look for a home, sell the pup with a 36-72 hour grace period to go and get the pup checked out by their own veterinarian.

Re: Selling pup with former heart murmur

In some states and courts, failing to disclose the medical history of the puppy is against the law. I applaud the breeder for honesty, and for doing vet checks on the pups before they go home, presumably. One might let the folks see the puppy first, though, and then do the disclosure, armed with some literature on innocent puppy murmurs. Worse comes to worse, a cardiologist's opinion might be in order and show how thorough you are. Put disclosures in the contract. The right home will come.

Re: Selling pup with former heart murmur

The right family will come along! You want someone who will love your girl & a heart murmur that she out grew won't stop them

Re: Selling pup with former heart murmur

Any carioligist will tell you that a puppy murmur is insignificant if it disappears at recheck time. This is NOT a health issue at all. You are being your own worst enemy, thats like saying your puppy had some loose stool the first time you fed it solid food. It's all about an immature body, that once developed is perfectly normal. If you must, print off some educational info , and present it , frankly I would not mention it at all.

Re: Selling pup with former heart murmur

I agree, I gave full discloser years ago on a pup. She has been loved by the family for the last 9 years now. Nothing there. Some of this heart stuff, might just be outgrown. I know other breeders who have realized the same with pups they placed.

Re: Selling pup with former heart murmur

Newfoundland breeders always get a cardiologist screening, it's pretty much mandatory for all litters, so I would find someone who is good and go do that; if they say she's OK, then I would assume no further discussion is needed. Innocent murmurs do occur and retesting is common. Don't know where you are located, but the best one in the Midwest is Kathy Wright in Cincinnati.

Re: Selling pup with former heart murmur

Anemia can cause a heart murmur. Once the anemia is corrected, the heart murmur is gone.
A heart murmur is not a decease, it is a sign. If no decease was found, and the sign went away, you got nothing to say about it. Sell the puppy and say nothing about it.

Re: Selling pup with former heart murmur

Get a letter from your vet that ruled out the initial murmur. It might help you lots. I wouldn't tell people until they come to see her, then present the letter from the vet. That's still full disclosure.

I had one pup that had a Grade 1 murmur at 8 weeks, it was gone by 10 weeks and my vet said it wasn't caused by the heart, it was something else. Perhaps anemia but I don't recall him saying that. This was over 9 years ago. I did tell the family when they arrived after 2 phone conversations. They weren't worried one bit as I had a short note, hand-written on my vet's stationery. I also had the typical small puppy folder with all innoculations, wormings if done and the Grade 1 murmur listed and then a clear written at 10 weeks.

I took no money from them showing them my trust (they were referred by another family I worked with 2 years earlier). I told them to take the pup to their vet on their dime and just return her if he didn't feel she was as healthy as my vet did. They had an appointment set up, came here to get him without their 2 children this time, just in case.

They took the pup to their vet who also called my vet. The 2 had a nice chat. All was well with the exam and their vet loved the look of the pup. He was not used to seeing a well bred, healthy, home raised pup all of the time. They came to pay and thank me for the trust and opportunity. He's 9 years old today with no health issues ever and I get a yearly thank you for the chance to have such a wonderful boy.

Try the letter from your vet and don't tell people on the phone. Eye to eye works so much better along with a veterinarian letter.

BTW, their vet sent me at least a half a dozen referrals once this pup was a year of age. He showed another breed but felt this pup could have been in a show home, asked me why I didn't keep him. I had two girls as keepers which he felt was an adequate answer. Who knows what would have happened if I did keep him. His pictures are stunning even at 9 years young.

Re: Selling pup with former heart murmur

I had one that had a murmur at 7 weeks. The murmur was still there at 12 weeks. I reluctantly gave it away to a person in my obedience club. It is now 14 years old and healthy as a horse.