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gate/crate for a small station wagon

Last fall at Bare Bones I saw a Subaru wagon with a gate/crate in the back end that had 2 Labs in it. Does anyone know what this is or where I might find one? The inside ceiling in my Volvo wagon is too low to accomidate most of my crates and certainly not 2..side by side.

Re: gate/crate for a small station wagon

I have the one from Subaru. It's fantastic. Maybe you can call your local dealership and ask if its made by Subaru or another company.

Also I bet Volvo makes one. I've seen volvo wagons with the "prison bars" in the back.

Re: gate/crate for a small station wagon

Thanks Edie..

I didn't realize it was made by the car manufacturer. Good idea to call :)

Re: gate/crate for a small station wagon

Volvo not only makes a gate between the "way back" of the wagon and passenger compartment, they also make a gate for the rear of the back part and it turns the back of the station wagon into a crate (great for hot weather as you can pop the hatch and the dogs stay cool

Re: gate/crate for a small station wagon

I wish more car manufacturers would make dog friendly equipment.

Re: gate/crate for a small station wagon

Deven Grimaldi
I wish more car manufacturers would make dog friendly equipment.

They seem to be getting there more and more. Be prepared to spend the bucks but cars are becoming dog-friendly with manufacturer options.

Re: gate/crate for a small station wagon

Well, after checking on line I see that it would cost me $530 + installation to get the set up to divide the back into space for 2 dogs. Wow! I'm not sure my 9 y/o Volvo will last long enough to get my $$ worth. Plus the area looks like it might be tight for 2 Labs.

Re: gate/crate for a small station wagon

There are some after market "prison bars" you can get. Some that are mesh and easily removable.

My Subaru one was $350, if I remember correctly.