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Junior Hander

Hi all,
We have found that our club's handling classes are geared towards the adult handler, mind you the instructor is patient with our daughter, she just can't take the time to effective work with her as she has several in the class and she's great at giving everyone equal time.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to give her a solid foundation or at least have info on other handling classes geared towrds the Junior Handler. She is competing but would like more knowledge. She says it best with this class isn't for me! I need to learn from the bottom up...she's 9 years old.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Re: Junior Hander

Do you have a 4-H dog club local to you? This is how I got started many years ago. They often have the youth work on both obedience as well as junior handling with their least that was the way it was years ago for me. I competed in both through 4-H. Another option would be finding a Junior who has aged out and wants to mentor your daughter.

Re: Junior Hander

Try different clubs and/or handling classes that are not put on by your club. Good luck!

Re: Junior Handler

My 10 year old junior handler does great at our local handling class, despite being the only child among the adults I agree keep looking around and try a different class.

Re: Junior Hander

If you know any professional handlers that were former Juniors, or current Juniors who are in the Senior or Intermediate classes, perhaps a mentorship could be arranged.

The Junior ring is different than the breed ring and it requires a bit of coaching and practice. Juniors have to be prepared for ring patterns not asked of exhibitors in the breed ring and have a dog that is trained in hand stacking.

Other than that, keep up with the regular handling classes.

Good luck in the Junior classes!

Re: Junior Hander

I am a 4-H club leader. The woman who teaches showmanship for us is a professional handler/breeder. Some of our kids show AKC/UKC juniors and do very well having been taught be a handler. I'd see what your local 4-H has for trainers.

Re: Junior Hander

I would also suggest having her handle other breeds as well as the breed she is handling in the ring. My daughter has been showing for about 2 years and I would have to say it was not until a Mentor of our breed as well as a Professional Handler of All Breeds took her under their wing and showed her little tips and tricks as well as some of the basic fundamentals of handling did she really improve. I think alot of what they learn is the understanding of each breed they are showing, what the attributes are to each specific breed and then how to show that to the judge.

Re: Junior Hander

I thank everyone who has shared their experiences, you have given me other avenues to pursue.