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Stud dog with no sperm

Has anyone ever had a stud dog(young)that did not produce any sperm. They want to do a needle biopsy. Wondering what the success rate is. Breeder

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

Has he ever produced sperm?

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

A biopsy is a good first step to determine why your boy is not producing sperm or has a low sperm count.
The biopsy will tell you a lot and rule out many things so it will be successful in that respect. I would also do a CBC and include a lyme test as well
Good luck

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

Has he ever produced sperm?
We don't know because the first time we collected him there was no sperm. He is 20 months old.

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

My recommendation before you go cutting into anyone's testicles is do a fairly simple chemistry test. Maybe he's just shy and needs some more "training" on being collected....

Does he show arousal and go through the motions etc and when checked under the microscope there are no sperm?

We had a dog like this at the clinic a couple of years ago and this is what a repro specialist told us to do - I'm trying to remember all the points but I'm sure your Vet could contact a repro person and they could fill you in on the rest.

Collect a serum sample just before the collection. Do the collection - separate it somewhat in the fact that try and keep the first fraction separate. Send 3-5 ml of the first fraction and the last fraction each in a plain red top tube to a referral lab along with the serum sample (make sure to identify each of them) and have them run ALKP tests on each of them.

If your boy is giving a true full collection the Alkp levels in the semen samples will be (X) times higher than the level in the blood. The (X) is the figure I'm forgetting.... I know I could track it down if anyone needed it.

So if you get low levels he's not giving you a full collection but is holding back and may just need more training, if he has high levels he's giving you a full collection and he would need further investigation.

I'm just a fan of doing things that are relatively non-invasive first as the samples are easy and have no serious side-effects vs cutting into his testicles as a first screening.

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

Lyme-brucellous test-neg heartworm-neg EIC-neg,had vet collect him with bitch in season. his libido was great, everything normal except no sperm rich component was seen for quite a few minutes.UA showed no sperm in the urine, had culture on seminal fluid-nothing(96 hr)his ALP level shows a possible bilateral blockage of the vasdeferens..what would you do next???? 5th time collected last sunday and still no sperm, and he is a very happy boy with all the attention

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

Had a similar problem with a male 2-3yrs. of age. After a few unsuccessful attempts to find sperm by a reproductive vet, we were referred to another reproductive vet at a vet school. They performed an ultrasound scan before they recommended the biopsy. Something you might want to consider- a less invasive place to start- JMO.

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

Hmm so a comprehensive work up is done and all they want to do is a needle biopsy? I'm surprised they don't want to cut open his testicles.... The biopsy would be the next place to go from there for me.

I have a friend who's stud dog was down 20% on his sperm count and had increased #'s of abnormalities and the first thing Hutch wanted to do was cut open his testicles....

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

what were your results from doing sonagram, and did you do biopsy too, any luck...

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

To Heidi and the vet tech that posted:
I have a 2 year old male that I have tried to breed to two different bitches and both failed. He had not been collected previous to this and when I asked another breeder she suggested I should have been allowing him to mount and collect him when bitches were in season. Well I never did and thought when the time was right he would either breed naturally or I could collect him at that time. Both bitches were progesterone timed and A.I'd twice post ovulation. I have collected other people's dogs before without a hitch. My vet thinks because he is "soft" boy, he may have low lobido. I am taking him in for a semen evaluation Friday.....should I be pulling blood and ruling out other health problems at this time? How do I increase his lobido and insure that he can do the job? Have others run into this problem as well and if so what did you do to help things along?

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

Two months of Baytril , tribulus 2 caps per day, flax seed w/lignans 1 tablespoon per day,both found at GNC store, Glycoflex the orignal formula. Then collect and see if he has improved , try this before you cut into him. This is all per my Repro Vet.

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

JMW- I sent you an email w/ response to your question re ultrasound.

Re: Stud dog with no sperm

After everything is ruled out, if you have no success, try a holistic/chiropracter vet. I have heard of wonderful success where vet found twisted vas deferens which she could untwist, and another with other chiropractic issues which were able to be resolved. has a whole section on their website re stud fertility, one of the things they say to do is feed raw - according to them some additives to some kibble causes temporary infertility.

All the best with your boy.