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car barrier with a gate/door

I've tried a google search and can't find anything like this--does anyone know if there is such a thing. I want to be able to open the tailgate on my SUV and have my dog that is contained with a barrier between the front and him--not be able to just jump out. If I had a second barrier that had a gate in it I could put this behind the tailgate

Re: car barrier with a gate/door

Don't know if they are available in the US, this is a UK site.

Let us know what you find.

Re: car barrier with a gate/door

Hhmm, I think I saw something like that once. But it was a few years ago. I'll do some looking and see what I can find.

Found a couple

Not sure if they'll work for a tailgate, tho.

Re: Found a couple

Thank you SO much! That tail gate guard is perfect!!! Now if I can just find it here. It might be worth it to order it from UK and have it shipped. I saw some that were used and for sale too. One of the places said it perfectly.." There is room in the "boot" for 2 dogs but not 2 crates..this is the solution."

Re: Found a couple

We've had the Barjo tailgate guard for 15 years and it's still going strong. They're very easy to work with and, although our car wasn't on their list, they made the gate to the exact specifications and shipped it to us.

With the tailgate taken care of, plus a guard between the seats and the dogs, it's like one enormous crate. As all the dogs get along well, they can just all hop in... no cumbersome crates. When working, we can park in the shade and leave the hatchback open (padlocked) for good ventilation.

Re: Found a couple

Thanks JP. I am also looking for something simular. I do know that you can order a tailgate style door directly from Volvo if you have a volvo. I have not found one for Ford yet.

Re: Found a couple

I love thos Barjo guards. I see they do carry one for a ford but I looked for hours and do not find one place in the US that makes a similar product

Re: Found a couple

dont know if anyone has tried this product but saw this while I was searching for cargo liners. It is a Double Door Crate that fits in the back of a car.

Re: car barrier with a gate/door

I'm not sure if they are still available. Or if its what you're looking for. Four Paws pet Products used to make a car barrier that contained a door in it for easy access. Most of the major pet stores carry FP brand, is they don't carry the barrier they may be able to special order it in.

Good luck Liz