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scheduled c-section

For those that have done scheduled c-sections, do you wait until the bitch starts first stage labor or do you progesterone test and section them once they get below 2.0?

Re: scheduled c-section

I wait until the temperature drops.

Re: scheduled c-section


Re: scheduled c-section

I wait for the temperature drop but then take her to a repro vet who does the progesterone. The progesterone is the definitive indicator.

Re: scheduled c-section

My repro vet at ISU says that a 2.5 is a go on progesterone.

Re: scheduled c-section

To be on the safe side I would wait for the temp drop AND the projesterone drop.

The timing has been fine every time I have done that.

Another save on several projesterone tests .....count 63 days post ovulation (5 ngms) and projesterone test that day (or 12 hours before). I have had it be spot on every time.

Re: scheduled c-section

I don't think there is any one right answer. Each situation can be a little different. Ideally I like to have a couple of things- temp drop, nesting, milk and love it when the progesterone is less than 2-3. I have done scheduled sections based on projected due date and progesterone drop alone and all has gone well --- but I always feel better about it when we have some other sign from the dam that she is ready! IF a client has not done progesterone/lh testing to determine ovulation, I will not do a planned/scheduled section without progesterones near the due date. I have seen *TWO* long time breeders present dogs who were "due" and insisted their bitches needed immediate sections.... in both cases they had their dates WRONG (in one case a previous boss of mine listened to breeder and the pups did not even have hair. That's right- breeder was off by a long shot!).