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Benadryl to pregnant girl

My girl is almost 5 weeks stung by bee, can I give her a Childrens Benadryl?? She seems fine just the right eye and side of face swollen..

Re: Benadryl to pregnant girl

I sure would NOT. Put some cold compresses on it, and don't give her any drugs.

Re: Benadryl to pregnant girl

I didn't think so and even have a call into our vet. But knew I could get a quick assurance on here. Tks..I will put a cold cloth on her eye. Hope that helps..poor baby

Re: Benadryl to pregnant girl

If you do homeopathy, try Apis, and I am sure that others could give more advice. Maybe a little vitamin C, as it is somewhat helpful with such reactions. A LITTLE. Hope she feels better.

Re: Benadryl to pregnant girl

It is linked to reabsorption.

Re: Benadryl to pregnant girl

You can also put a poultice of Adolph's Meat Tenderizer on the bee bite. Make sure it is the Adolph's with papain in it as that is what reacts with the venom in the sting. Mix meat tenderizer with water until paste, apply and let dry.
Good luck.

Re: Benadryl to pregnant girl

Thanks everyone...I put cool packs on her face and it gave her relief and the swelling has gone down. She even fell asleep while I was holding the ice pack on her..Interesting little tid bit...called 4 different vets they all said Benadryl was safe!! My repro vet was not in and I am sure she would have said no!! Again thanks for all the info!! I am going to print out a copy that another forum member gave me of all the meds that are not safe for a pregnant dog :-)

Re: Benadryl to pregnant girl

Old fashioned remedy is make a paste of baking soda and a bit of water and apply to a gauze and put it on affected area. Sodium draws the venom out.