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Hotel cancelled room for LRCP!

Just noticed in my on line banking account that the deposit that I had made for the LRCP had been refunded. I called and was told that supposedly "I" had called and cancelled the room due to illness. Can't believe this! Anyone else have this happen? I'll call the hotel tomorrow asap and already sent in an e-mail. Any other suggestions?

Re: Hotel cancelled room for LRCP!

It happened to me too. Very upsetting. Not much you can do.

Re: Hotel cancelled room for LRCP!

It's very simple folks, the Hotel has once again overbooked itself. And you get the axe !

Re: Hotel cancelled room for LRCP!

If it's their mistake, they have to find you a room.

Re: Hotel cancelled room for LRCP!

If the Hotel overbooked, that is one thing. If the Hotel cancelled your reservation because they indicate you cancelled due to illness, well that's a lie. I would ask for documentation, such as date and time of the phone call, which employee took the call and from what phone number the call was received from. Most businesses keep these records and even record phone calls.