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Extreme dandruff & tiny scabs on back

Any ideas of what this might be?

My bitch, who is pretty much completely blown coat, has extremem dandruff with tiny little scabs along her back. It seems to be mostly centered along the lower part of her back but there are some on her neck and a couple little spots on her sides, nothing on her belly area. It just started and seems to be getting worse. Nothing has changed in her diet or anything else. Any thoughts? Thanks!!

Re: Extreme dandruff & tiny scabs on back

I had something like this and my vet figured it out. If you will email me, I will give the info on what we had.

Re: Extreme dandruff & tiny scabs on back

Give her a bath in Mane & Tail, rinse her and rub her down in Mane & Tail conditioner. Don't rinse the conditioner completely out. It will absorb into her skin.

You can get it at WalMart in the pet dept.

Re: Extreme dandruff & tiny scabs on back

One of our bitches has alot of estrogen in her body during heat and the hair follicles get clogged and she has had a staph infection that sounds like what you described. We treated with antibiotics and were also cautioned not to use wire brush on her .

Re: Extreme dandruff & tiny scabs on back

wnat's the secret? Why not just post what the vet said your dog had? Why does the OP have to write to you?