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Help: Lost Yellow Lab Near Manchester, NH

Hello Everyone,

I am cross posting an email I received today from a friend. A yellow lab is missing near Manchester, NH as a result of a car accident. Please cross post to anyone in the area.


Cross Post:

I know most of you don't live near the VT/NH border, but if you know anyone who does, could you please send out a plea for help?? LOST DOG near Manchester, NH. Last seen near the Junction of Interstate 89 and 93.

My friend was driving back from Boston, last night (3/25). She must have drifted off, for a second, hit the guardrails and bounced off and over. She rolled the car several times. The car behind her called 911. The EMT's managed to get her out of the car, and right to the hospital. She is going to be ok, but her dogs either flew out the windows or jumped. The people behind her, stopped to help, and one of the dogs jumped into their car (thank god!). The other one, a female yellow lab, about 4 years old, wearing a orange/red print collar, ran........ The folks behind her saw her run across 4 lanes of traffic into the woods on the other side. The female yellow Lab's name is Tater. IF anyone has a contact or contacts in that area, please ask if they can help. A yellow Lab was spotted (2nd hand report) this morning near the Intersection of 89 and 93 (near Manchester, NH). That is about 5 miles from where the accident occured.

If you could please pass this anyone who might be somewhere near that area, or traveling through????

You can contact me, here at work, 802-658-6688, cell: 802-999-8980, today.....or home: 802-434-4604 later today, etc....

Thank you so much!!

Lorna Fortune

Re: Help: Lost Yellow Lab Near Manchester, NH

I cross posted to another board and so far one person has relatives that travel that route (89-93) twice a day and they will be watching out for her.

Prayers someone finds her soon.

Re: Help: Lost Yellow Lab Near Manchester, NH

Info passed along to NH state police - my husband is in charge of 93 from the MA/NH line up to the 93/89 junction - he will let his guys know to keep a look out.

Re: Help: Lost Yellow Lab Near Manchester, NH

Wow, you can't ask for better than that! I hope they find her.

Updated Info: Help: Lost Yellow Lab Near Manchester, NH

Cross Posted from my friends in VT: (and thanks so much, Sharon. It is much appreciated.)

FYI - This is updated info. It is about 20 miles from Manchester to Concord - not impossible for a dog to travel - but likely?? Thanks for being on the lookout or forwarding to those in the area. Joanne Martin

Thank you!

Her name is Trish Dale. She is now in a motel room in Manchester. Her Husband came down, early am, they let her out of the hospital this morning. They are staying in the area, to try to find Tater.


LOST DOG: Yellow Lab, female, around 4 years old, microchipped,
named TATER. She has her Utility Dog title, so would know commands. Car accident last nite. EMT's took my friend to the Hospital. Windows blew out, TATER went with them. My friend's car accident was on I-93, between the exits of 8 and 9, she was headed toward Concord, NH. A yellow Lab was spotted near the Junction of Interstate 89 and 93, this morning (Concord, NH). Maybe, possibly her????

Re: Updated Info: Help: Lost Yellow Lab Near Manchester, NH

Nothing yet except the report however yes the accident was between exits 8 and 9 and not at the intersection of I89 and I93 however those locations are not that far apart. He called in again right now alerting the next shift to keep an eye out. The report of a missing canine usually gets put out on the radios only once but this once has been going out regularly. Fingers crossed.

Re: Updated Info: Help: Lost Yellow Lab Near Manchester, NH

Have they tried This service will robo-call all residences within a certain radius of the location the dog was lost. Especially helpful if not lost close to home. I know of a couple of success stories from them.

Good News! She has been found!

Thanks so much to everyone who cross posted to many different sites and to Sharon Wagner for all her help with her connections far and wide. I received a brief note from a friend that she has been found. I don't have specifics, but we can all be thankful. Thanks to everyone.

Re: Good News! She has been found!

Thank God! Prayers answered! I hope she is OK! Let us know if you hear any more.

Re: Good News! She has been found!

Re: Good News! She has been found!

Wonderful news!!!!!