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Pregnant Bitch

I'm having a discussion with a co-owner about a pregnant bitch. Is too much calcium bad for the bitch? We were discussing if I should switch her to a puppy food, performance food or supplement with eggs, cottage cheese, etc.? What's the opinion of the folks here?

Re: Pregnant Bitch

Excessive calcium during pregnancy can cause uterine inertia and/or eclampsia. Do not supplement. Just feed good quality 30/20>>> Protein/fat food. Some examples are:
Pro Plan Performance, Eukanuba performance, Eukanuba Labrador, etc.

Re: Pregnant Bitch

I give my bitch who is pregnant High Performance food from Pro Pac 30/20 and I give her 2 boiled eggs pr week, just little amount each day, and also give her some frozen vegetables on her food. I don´t add calcium to her food. I was even told that it could be too much calcium in puppy food.

Re: Pregnant Bitch

Some puppy formulas just have extra protein and not extra calcium. So some puppy formulas are OK.

Re: Pregnant Bitch

How far along is she ? I would not be giving her extra until you are sure and then just a good puppy food or like they say 30/20. I don't give calcium until after whelping begins. Have always heard you would have problems. Everyone wants to jump in and add all this new stuff. How did they ever have pups without us.