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its nearly right around the corner, we're coming with some nice new pups that we're excited about. hope to see everybody. god bless !!

Re: potomac

I know I'm getting really excited now. This is the first time I've been there and really looking forward to meeting all my new Facebook friends!

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA
Have camera, will travel...

Re: potomac

Whoohoooo!! I'm VERY excited!! Last year was my first year... I'm going to try to come every year (if possible). I had a BLAST last year and hoping this year will be as fun... Can't wait to meet all my internet friends... Whoohoooo!!!

Re: potomac

Is it just my imagination, or is everyone extra excited this year about Potomac? I am going and excited too. Maybe I'm just clicking on the threads about it this year. Wow. The tension mounts...

Re: potomac

i think potomac is always exciting but we haven't been there in 2 yrs. so its xtra special for us plus the 3 new young dogs we're bringing makes it loads of fun.... now lets pray for weather!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: potomac

Gosh yeah, we deserve a warm year for once

Re: potomac

Are you **!**!! kidding me, AI??? What planet do you live on??????

Re: potomac

Are you **!**!! kidding me, AI??? What planet do you live on??????

What you don't like sunshine? I live on planet earth where I love sunshine. And yes, with all the billions of people I share it with, I've found there are a lot of freaks here too. Not sure about your planet though But then again, I'm not even sure what you're objecting to I'll just go with the sun.

Re: potomac

You are so nasty on here...telling people to "drink the kool-aid" and calling people names. The real world does have a lot of nasty people. It also has an endless supply of crooks, liars, and maladjusted types. Be careful of who you associate with. Jim Jones also told people to drink that kool-aid you seem to be so fond of.

I'm being nasty? No, I'm just trying to be funny and make light of stupid situation of someone trying to stir up trouble with another breeder that they are naming on here. As far as calling people names, it's hard to call someone a name when you don't even know who that person is! I am just simply reacting to their behavior. Please don't take it personally, unless you come out of your computer screen, I can't possibly know you for you to take it so personally.

I think you just need to lighten up and stop trying to grind your ax here against EML. I don't know who they are, nor do I associate with them, but just call me one to stick up for those who are being picked on here.

As for the Kool-Aid comment, you are totally taking that out of context. Yes the Jim Jones "thingy" was a tragedy, but this kind of stuff happens EVERYDAY. People die every day, so that doesn't mean you shouldn't mention Kool-Aid, let alone car accidents, shootings, drug overdoses, etc? Sorry but I am big fan of Bill O'Reilly and he talks about drinking Kool-Aid all the time. It's just a figure of speech. I don't see you standing up for people who are told to take their meds on here or stop drinking here. Mental illness and alcoholism are real diseases too and people die from them, but that seems to be an acceptable problem to pick on too.

Like I said, I was just trying to use a little humor here and not be nasty, but you seem to have taken it the wrong way and that's *your* problem, not mine.


Re: potomac

AI, you seem to be the one stirring things up. No one was "stalking". No one did anything except ask a perfectly polite question. YOU are the one who turned it into something elsewith your comments of " freaks like you", etc.

Better pull in your horns.

And your other comment was, "drink the kool-aid", as I recall. That was really uncalled for.

Re: potomac


Sorry but I am big fan of Bill O'Reilly and he talks about drinking Kool-Aid all the time. It's just a figure of speech.
Like I said, I was just trying to use a little humor here and not be nasty, but you seem to have taken it the wrong way and that's *your* problem, not mine.

However, Bill O'Reilly is clever AND funny!

Re: potomac

AI, you seem to be the one stirring things up. No one was "stalking". No one did anything except ask a perfectly polite question. YOU are the one who turned it into something elsewith your comments of " freaks like you", etc.

Better pull in your horns.

And your other comment was, "drink the kool-aid", as I recall. That was really uncalled for.

Nope wrong again, you are the one stirring things by continuing to post under different names acting like this is between more than one person. Just you and me and the 5+ different aliases you are using on here! LOL

I'm done with this thread. If both anonymous names were being so polite and not stalking EML, then why post under 2 different anonymous names in 2 different threads? Who really cares, it's all anonymous anyway. If you weren't trying to stir up trouble with EML, you would have simply went to them and asked them if they were posting under byc.

Have a nice life who ever you chose to be.