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I am looking to purchase a treadmill for the dogs. I would like to keep them in tip top condition despite the unpredictable weather. Is there any type/size that works best for Labs? TIA

Re: treadmill

I've used a Jog-A-Dog before to keep my dogs in condition, although I don't own one. My dogs LOVE it, they would run up onto the ram when they were ready to go! I do have to say that you must be careful with any forced exercise as its easy to over do it, so I combined treadmilling with biking and freechoice running to keep my dogs very fit. I've heard rumors of treadmills causing "loaded shoulders" but my experience has been that if the dog has a proper front assembly that it isn't an issue. Good luck with your search.

Re: treadmill

I bought a used Pro Form off Craig's List for $100. The dogs love it, I say "treadmill time!" and they race to be the first one on! Each one does about 20-30 minutes and I don't push them beyond what each can handle. It's great during the worst of winter or stormy nights when we can't get out for our normal runs.

Re: treadmill

Try freecycle. Just be sure to ask for one in working condition.


One word of caution if using the human treadmills. Often their short length serves to teach the dog to shorten his stride. Once that muscle memory sets in, you then have a dog who doesn't naturally "reach" when moving. For this reason, the dog treadmills are best.

Re: Ttreadmills

Very good point Cheryl, thank you.

Thank you all for you help & advice.