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Help, advice, very sick puppy

I have a friend that has an 8-9 wk old puppy, first sympton he was lethargic, she took him to the vet, was told he had hydrocephalus and should be put down, however no tests were done. So a second opinion the vet said the puppy has strangles, was given clavamox plus predisone. I understand strangles but the puppy has bumps over his entire body, they are infected, now all those bumps are breaking and his entire body is oozing blood. Could this be a very severe case of strangles? The lady is beside herself. Could anyone give some advice since the vets don't seem to be helping? The puppy has a good appetite and plays but sleeps alot. Thanks so much for any information.

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

My advise is to get to a reputable Vet asap. Any blood loss or infection is very serious if not treated promptly and correctly. The sores could be an alergic reaction to predisone but the infectious wounds need to be cleansed and treated.

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

I had a litter with stangles years ago. Yes these wounds are a direct result of strangles going on too long without treatment. My puppy had wounds. They healed because the puppy got meds and the wounds were flushed and kept clean.
Get yourself a vet that knows a lot about strangles.
Also google this and your pups condition.

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

I just had a puppy with strangles and she started by being lethargic and limping. Then came the pustules in her ears and some on her muzzle and lip. She didn't get them on her body. We did have a problem arresting the development of the pustules in the beginning because the vet was conservative with the pred. (we were also using clyndamycin but later switched to clavamox). The pup was on 7.5 pred a day in the beg. but we later started using 1 mg. per lb. - which ended up being 15mg of pred a day. It started to subside in a couple of days, but the ears were a mess (inside). She is fine now.

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

sounds like a very severe case of strangles. I agree, get to a specialist or a very knowledgeable vet and FAST

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

Thanks so much for your replies, the lady's vet has started treating the puppy more aggressively so hopfully the little guy will feel better soon. As always, he is the sweetest puppy in the litter. I can't understand why the 1st vet that examined the puppy told her he had hydrocephalus when none of the symptoms of that terrible diease was present. It makes me even more sure about 2nd opinions. The puppy would be gone if the breeder had paid attention to that vet. That vet also told her to spay and neuter the parents. Gosh, is the vet anti-breeder? Thanks again !!

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

Write a letter to the first vet with the outcome of the case, and let him know the he will be not recommended. Unfortunately, there are mediocre vets that will give a terrible diagnosis when the have no clue what's going on instead of recommending an specialist. Trash him.

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

I disagree with letting the vet know you won't recommend the vet learn what he did not know! Print out the information, accurate diagnosis and give it to the vet. If they give you the attitude...then point out the could have been ramifications of his incorrect diagnosis.
The purpose is to educate and make sure the next poor soul that crosses his door step with a strangles puppy gets the correct treatment.
I have done this, it really made a difference for the vet and I know others who will get service from them down the road are going to be better off.

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

Allison Hillius
I disagree with letting the vet know you won't recommend the vet learn what he did not know! Print out the information, accurate diagnosis and give it to the vet. If they give you the attitude...then point out the could have been ramifications of his incorrect diagnosis.
The purpose is to educate and make sure the next poor soul that crosses his door step with a strangles puppy gets the correct treatment.
I have done this, it really made a difference for the vet and I know others who will get service from them down the road are going to be better off.

I agree with this.

Prayers for this poor pup for a quick recovery and little scarring.

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

Allison Hillius
I disagree with letting the vet know you won't recommend the vet learn what he did not know! Print out the information, accurate diagnosis and give it to the vet. If they give you the attitude...then point out the could have been ramifications of his incorrect diagnosis.
The purpose is to educate and make sure the next poor soul that crosses his door step with a strangles puppy gets the correct treatment.
I have done this, it really made a difference for the vet and I know others who will get service from them down the road are going to be better off.

I also completely agree with this. I am the poster that posted I felt it was a severe case of Strangles. Even vets need to be educated at times.

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

Allison Hillius
I disagree with letting the vet know you won't recommend the vet learn what he did not know! Print out the information, accurate diagnosis and give it to the vet. If they give you the attitude...then point out the could have been ramifications of his incorrect diagnosis.
The purpose is to educate and make sure the next poor soul that crosses his door step with a strangles puppy gets the correct treatment.
I have done this, it really made a difference for the vet and I know others who will get service from them down the road are going to be better off.

I also completely agree with this. I am the poster that posted I felt it was a severe case of Strangles. Even vets need to be educated at times.

I agree but a vet should know the difference between a brain anomaly and strangles. It's pretty sad when he almost put a puppy down that needed treatment for a known puppy disease.

You're a class act Allison, kudos to you for holding back the anger some might have and moving onto education.

I hope the vet accepts it, something tells me he may not want a non-veterinarian teaching him but hope I'm wrong.

I sure hope the pup with strangles will be getting better soon, poor pup.

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

Well Vet's don't like to be taught (especially by someone who hasn't obtained a degree) and I don't think we should ACT like we are teaching them.

They are people of science. Give them the facts (emotion aside).

I made an appointment with the vet. I talked to them in private away from their assistants and clients. It wasn't confrontational. This allowed the vet to not feel attacked. I was fortunate and the vet listened.

If you feel that the vet is not listening then you can bring up the fact that they were willing to put your dog down and that would have been a grave mistake.

Even if the vet doesn't look like they are me you WILL give them cause to THINK about what they have done.

Good luck!

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

sounds like a very severe case of strangles. I agree, get to a specialist or a very knowledgeable vet and FAST

Same poster as above
how is the puppy doing?

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

The puppy is doing better since his meds were increased. He still has a lot of sores on him but at least he isn't constantly digging himself. So hopfully he is on the mend even if it is going to take time. He is being beginning to behave like an ornery puppy.
I'm still having a hard time understanding the first diagnosis, I surely would let the vet know.
Thanks for all your advice.

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

Something we all need to keep in mind, is that what the vet said to this person is now "third-hand" information. So much of what a veterinarian says to a client, particularly in an emotional situation like this, is interpreted incorrectly by the owner. This happens every day, many times a day. I'm not trying to be critical, I have garbled what veterinarians have said to me before, and I have 25 years' experience working with veterinarians.
I can handle anyone else's emergency with their pets, but when it comes to your own, the emotional component kicks in and turns your brain to mush!
Sometimes what someone hears someone else say, then repeats it to someone else, who also repeats it, gets a little altered in the process!
If he truly did say what he is quoted as saying, it would be up to the owner of the puppy to let him know his diagnosis was off, and provide medical records from the second vet as a courtesy to him and his clients. That's about all she can do.
I'm glad your friend's baby is doing better, and hope he continues to improve!

Re: Help, advice, very sick puppy

Robin, I totally agree with you, I got it 3rd hand and understand what you are saying. The thing that bothers me is, how could vet mistake strangles for hydrocephalus? A lesson learned, if a vet tells anyone the puppy or dog needs to be put down and we don't feel comfortable a 2nd opinion is in order.