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Question about diet and "down in the pasterns"


I have never had this problem but some of you may have. Somewhere, someplace I have read about diet effecting pasterns. A co-worker's dog is down in the pasterns - I saw it. It's a small mixed breed dog and less than a year old.

Can someone pass on some advice about diet and what might help? Is it too much protien?, not enough?, too much calcium?, lack of vitamin C?

Any thoughts would be helpful and I will pass it on.

Thanks Valerie - Bibsmom

Re: Question about diet and "down in the pasterns"

Pat Hastings writes and talks a lot about this in her seminars and books. My frustration, at this moment, is that I can not find her book or my notes from her seminar.

My recollection is "too much calcium". She also recommnends vitamin C for growing puppies, and adults during periods of stress.


Re: Question about diet and "down in the pasterns"

Val - When this happens I have had good success with lowering the protein levels and upping the Vit C. I give 1000 or 1500 twice a day and switch to ProPlan Puppy Chicken & Rice or Diamond Naturals "Lite" Formula. Usually corrects in about 30 days and with my guys seems to be linked with teething.
Hope this helps.

Re: Question about diet and "down in the pasterns"

I had this problem with a bitch who was 9 months old at the time. She was so down in the pasterns that she had horrible movement and floppy feet when she was gaiting. You could see it when she was just standing there. I posted my problem on this forum and I can honestly say that the advice here is what turned her around in 2 months. Basically, I started feeding her from a raised bowl so that she had to stand up almost on her toes to eat, I put her in a gravel run for exercise with her "sister", I started her on glucosamine/condroiten for her joints, and I gave her 500mg Ester-C twice a day. I also changed her food, to one with a lower protein level. Mega improvement in what I felt was a short period of time, she gaits beautifully now, and no more floppy feet.

Re: Question about diet and "down in the pasterns"

Thanks all, I will take these suggestions to her.
Valerie - Bibsmom