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Crate Tops - A bad habit

I was wondering if others have ideas in what to use the top of dog crates for. I have crates in all rooms. Just to have dens around. Thing is it is space that stuff just gets put. Then we have crates with piles of stuff. Not very attractive. Anyone have any productive ideas for the area?



Re: Crate Tops - A bad habit

Break them down and store them - that way, you have the crates away neat and tidy and nothing can get piled on top of them. Or, if your crates dont have the option of being broken down, pile your crates ontop of eachother.

Re: Crate Tops - A bad habit

Thin plywood or a towel on top allows me to store things there. Away from dogs!

Re: Crate Tops - A bad habit

Thin plywood or a towel on top allows me to store things there. Away from dogs!

I even keep a large box of treats on top of my largest crate. The dogs know not to touch it without us but we still close the box tightly.

You can neatly stack things you use often or put an attractive box on top of thin, covered plywood. I have that with an older but attractive, small tablecloth. A pretty gift box is on top with many of my tools, nail clippers, dremels and other dog items. The box is so attractive, I've been asked where I got it. It was a gift, the gift was inside but the box is beautiful shades of pastel designs that match the room it's in.

They actually do make crates that can be end tables out of rattan. We can make our own attractive crate tops as the rattan ones are very expensive and usually for smaller breeds.

Hey, it's part of living with labradors, just like the extra coat that hangs out after we clean.

Re: Crate Tops - A bad habit

Here is an idea...

I have seen others too...just can't remember where.

Re: Crate Tops - A bad habit

These are really nice and I bet more like what she was asking. I have two or three set up in my house all the time with the doors wide open. Always a dog or two in there. These shown make nice tables. I use one of mine as an end table, sort of.

Re: Crate Tops - A bad habit

What I would like to see is a crate with a removable door or sliding door. The crate space is one thing to give up, but then that wide space an open door makes it unweidly. I actually did remove the door on one crate, but then decided I needed it on occasion and re-attached it. I have seen one once, but it didn't look too strong. Hmmm, maybe something I should invent:)

Removable doors., Re: Crate Tops -

Removable doors are featured on some of the Precision crates I and others affirmed in a discussion on crate brands some time ago. Some of the newer Midwest wire crates now come with removable doors, which could dovetail nicely with their crate tables. The Select and I crates for the tables are the shorter height crates.

I like the idea of a decorative little chest of grooming toys and other items on top of one of these little crate tables.

Removable doors., Re: Crate Tops -

Mine are set under windows and I grow violets and orchids on top.

Removable doors., Re: Crate Tops -

Mine use them as bunk beds

Removable doors., Re: Crate Tops -

Does Furrari still make its vari-kennel-style crates with the doors that not only are removable, but open either direction? I have two, but am not sure they're even available anywhere 'em! And they're not an eyesore, either...very dog crates go!

Removable doors., Re: Crate Tops -

our three crates are built into a piece of furniture that divides two sides of the family room, the top is an 8' counter top and it holds the food container and baskets of collars and toys...
we use it as a room divider

Removable doors., Re: Crate Tops -

I loved Furraris! They are hard to find now. You could open them either way or take the door off in a snap - all without taking the darned thing apart!