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weird growth on side

I discovered a very small growth on the side of my bitch,at first i thought it was a tick as i examined more closely i was relieved that it wasn't ,but now i'm worried because i have absolutly no idea what it is!!!I'll call my vet tomorrow but maybe some of you have a clue???She's fine in all other areas!

Re: weird growth on side

How old is your bitch? Often, as they age, "skin tags" will appear. By all means have your vet check it out.

Re: weird growth on side

She's only 14 month old and i'm calling my vet soon.

Re: weird growth on side

I was going to say maybe a wart? My older male has one that I keep thinking is a tick (you would think I would remember, but I still keep trying to take it off every so often, LOL). 14 months is young for that though - definitely get it checked. Hoping it's nothing serious.