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Inquiring minds...

Have any of you heard of increased occurances of ROML (Recurrent Ocular Mucoid Lacrimation)? A vet I was talking to said it seemed to be on the rise.

Re: Inquiring minds...

I've seen much more than I ever used to--some of it gets pretty severe. I've never seen it cause any permanent damage but it is very irritating. I'm not sure at this point what the best treatment is--will be interesting to hear any other vet opinions about it.

Re: Inquiring minds...

What is this ? Something of the eye ?

Re: Inquiring minds...(April Fool!)

Actually it is just a little April Fool joke that Kathy and I cooked up at one of the Fitchburg shows. I was waiting to go into the ring and had just cleaned the little eye boogers out of my dog's eyes for what seemed like the tenth time and I turned to Kathy and laughingly asked her what the proper veterinary term was for those darn eye boogers that seem to magically reappear as you set foot in the ring and just before the judge looks at your dog. We started laughing about different terms and came up with the official-sounding ROML (Recurrent Ocular Mucoid Lacrimation). Eye boogers.

Re: Inquiring minds...(April Fool!)

Good one, Beth. I thought maybe the terminolgy referred to Labradors' humans, and the all-too-common reaction to someone else's good (dog) news that we see on this forum. You know--crying/complaining.

Re: Inquiring minds...(April Fool!)

Well, thank you guys. Between thinking that I missed the Potomac entries, (but it didn't matter - because my dogs have eye goop anyway) - I guess I should be relieved that none of it is true. Now what can I worry about?

Re: Inquiring minds...(April Fool!)

You could do what I am doing and start checking the extended weather forecast for Frederick, MD! That has me plenty worried!

Re: Inquiring minds...(April Fool!)

Weather looks pretty good to me.