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Host Hotel for Potomac system has been hacked - all rooms canceled!

Hi All:

I was speaking with our Representative at Holiday Inn this morning, to confirm my reservation for Potomac and she has stated that she cannot confirm any reservations as someone has hacked into their system and has canceled all of the reservations for Potomac.

Time to re-pack your vans to make room to sleep for the 3 days!

Re: Host Hotel for Potomac system has been hacked - all rooms canceled!

Sounds like April Fools to me!

Re: Host Hotel for Potomac system has been hacked - all rooms canceled!

Very cute!!

Re: Host Hotel for Potomac system has been hacked - all rooms canceled!

Have a fantabulous Easter weekend everyone.

Re: Host Hotel for Potomac system has been hacked - all rooms canceled!

I wonder how many calls Susie recieved checking on the April fool joke.