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Potomac Breed Breakdown, but no Schedule Yet

Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac S/O, Tuesday-04/13/10 & Wednesday-04/14/10 & Thursday-04/15/10
There are 1002 dogs entered in this show. The number before each Breed (Variety) indicates the number of dogs entered in that Breed (Variety). The numbers following each Breed (Variety) indicate the number of Regular Class Dogs, Regular Class Bitches, Best of Breed (Variety) (Dogs-Bitches), and Non-Regular Class Dogs or Bitches.

9 Junior Showmanship Competition 0-0(0-0)0
2 Obedience Trial Classes Novice A
7 Obedience Trial Classes Novice B
9 Obedience Trial Classes Open A
4 Obedience Trial Classes Open B
4 Obedience Trial Classes Utility A
1 Obedience Trial Classes Utility B
530 Retrievers (Labrador) BITCHES 0-478(0-0)52
354 Retrievers (Labrador) DOGS 299-0(0-0)55
344 Retrievers (Labrador) SWEEPS 124-220(0-0)0
49 Retrievers (Labrador) DOGS 21-28(0-0)0
152 Retrievers (Labrador) B.O.B. 0-0(73-33)46

Re: Potomac Breed Breakdown, but no Schedule Yet

Only 9 in Juniors. Could that be wrong??

Re: Potomac Breed Breakdown, but no Schedule Yet

That's somewhat confusing... What does the line above BOB mean - it says DOGS but it has a split of dogs and bitches? No rally numbers? I can't wait to see the real schedule!

Re: Potomac Breed Breakdown, but no Schedule Yet

The entry breakdown by class is up in the lrcp web site.