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Rescued Lab

I recently rescued a Labrador and after about a week he has made grand progress compared to the state that he was in when I found him. My concern is that he sleeps, sleeps, sleeps and sleeps, is this normal? I mean he must sleep 20 hours a day or more! Would appreciate all comments. Thanks

Re: Rescued Lab

Hi~ I'm assuming he has been to the vet for a full workup? You didn't say how old he was.

I've done rescue for years now and our most recent one had some issues revealed by his workup..some fixable and some not. He is a boy that will live his life out here w/ us as I don't feel he's adoptable. He's the sweetest little man and he does sleep a lot due to his age as well as his spine/rear issues.

ps: We did finally locate his owner and when they were told what they owed us in vet bills, they didn't want him and said we could have him. I'm sure this is probably the first time in his life that he's healthy as he can be and treated well.

Good luck w/ your little man~

Re: Rescued Lab

Assuming that he's been checked out by the vet (thyroid/heart come to mind), it could just be that he feels safe and happy enough now that he doesn't feel that he needs to be on high alert - and is adjusting.

Or he's just enjoying being lazy :) Either way, he's a lucky boy and I'm sure he thanks you.

Re: Rescued Lab

Or on the other hand, he may be on his best behavior. A friend who does lots of rescues, says that happens in most placements. It can last 2-3 weeks.