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When I go to spotlight and hit the dog, it comes up Sorry, return to Wiscoy.

Re: Links

Sorry, not links, spotlight.

Re: Links

There are five spotlight dogs. Refresh your browser or reload the page after you get there if there are many dogs on it. I was able to go to a new spotlight dog or pup. Or try going to this spotlight, then going to the upper right hand corner for the link to BACK?
Nice dog/page, Jill!

Re: Links

Also, as someone else suggested, quit your browser if the above doesn't work, then open it, then try the page.

Re: Links

I'm computer illiterate, how do you do that.

Re: Links

If you are using Windows, click the red x in the top right corner of the window of what you are using to browse the web with (Internet Explorer) as you would normally to quit.
If you happen to be using a software program such as AOL, close (quit) the program, and then start it again.

Re: Links

I use Mozilla Firefox Internet.

Re: Links

I have the same problem Linda... I also use Mozilla Firefox and it is still dogs from last month!

Re: Links

I too am somewhat behind the learning curve on computers. However, I just closed my browser, and opened, then used Firefox, which I haven't done in a while. The current five dogs showed up. What happens if you quit out of Firefox, and restart your computer? Then go to the browser Firefox, and start it. Then go into Wiscoy main page, more manually, linking to the links? Or use another browser temporarily?

Re: Links

I went to Mozilla and searched on Cache.
Came up with this link, which explains how to clear the cache, if that is appropriate. You may lose some other sites, etc. that are cached besides the spotlight page.
You may also want to search their site. Or ask a real geek, which I am not when it comes to computers! I don't know if one can selectively clear only part of the cache.

Re: Links

I have turned down my computer.... start all over again but still the old dogs appear on the website.

Re: Links

Finally I got the April spotlight dogs!

Re: Links

The Geek has arrived. Got it. Thank you one and all for your help.