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Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

I have a pup that went to his new home yesterday afternoon, before leaving firm stools and no vomit. Also have two pups still at my home that I am keeping and neither are showing either symptom. Puppies new owner contacted me while at the vets office about 30mins. ago with her puppy throwing up/diarrhea since this morning. She said they have watched puppy very close could not have gotten into anything and puppy purchased/eating same food that was given by me. I spoke with her vet-no fever, diarrhea, parvo tested normal, gave antiboitics and nausea med; he said if not better tomorrow will give fluids. He did not mention giving him fluids today and he never said what he thought this could be. Is there any other advise I can give this person and what could be causes of concern for this baby... Her vet suggested just keeping an eye on my two pups here but I am so worried about them, should I take them to my vet in the morning? He also stated she was taking him home. Also we offer a health guarantee which I normally cover anything life threatening, would this vet bill be something that should be covered by breeders? Checked with other puppy buyer who got their puppy before this person on the same day to make sure their pup was fine and he said he is doing problems at all. TIA for any advice.

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

I'd have to be a bit skeptical on this one. Sounds like the puppy got something he should not have ingested.

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

This is one of biggest worries that he did get into something. Worried it could be Coccidia or Giardia- we have never had either as an issue (that I know of) but I know it can happen and that stress could make this worse. If Coccidia or Giardia was an issue, I thought another pup would be showing signs also.

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

This is one of biggest worries that he did get into something. Worried it could be Coccidia or Giardia- we have never had either as an issue (that I know of) but I know it can happen and that stress could make this worse. If Coccidia or Giardia was an issue, I thought another pup would be showing signs also.

The other pups may not show signs because the didn't just have the stress this pup that just went home has had. I would worry Cocci too.

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

Also we offer a health guarantee which I normally cover anything life threatening, would this vet bill be something that should be covered by breeders? Checked with other puppy buyer who got their puppy before this person on the same day to make sure their pup was fine and he said he is doing problems at all. TIA for any advice.

Yes, I would pay for that bill. If the vet can't tell that it was something the puppy swallowed, I would take responsibility.
It is probably the stress that caused an increment in bacteria or parasites.

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

I would guess coccidia. Different yard, different mud (it is mud season.) That's where coccidia lurk along with other similar organisms. It happens so often that I send home food for new puppies with Tylan mixed in to prevent just this kind of problem. Ask the vet for Albon and I bet it clears right up! (Don't bother with a fecal - too many false negatives.)

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

What Nancy said!

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

the vomiting sounds different to me?

please update us in the coming days!!

hope it is something "simple"... and pup makes a quick recovery!

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

IMO it isn't coccidia unless it started at your place. The different yard comment - well, he only went home yesterday and today isn't enough time for coccidia to reach this level of extreme. I'd be on the lookout for something to pass. Did the vet xray to see if there is anything "in there"?

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

The coccidia probably isn't from the new yard, but the puppy is in a different environment, which is causing stress, and that often causes the coccidia to erupt. I send puppies home with Albon and instructions to give it for a week or so to avoid this stress-induced coccidial illness. I never had coccidia until about 5 years ago, but almost lost a puppy before a vet tech found the organism in the stools. It took several stool samples before they caught it. I don't know how it got into my soil, but me dogs do hunt tests and go to shows; someone brought it back and probably was asymptomatic, so I didn't know I had it until the puppy got sick. Once it's in your soil, it is probably impossible to get rid of it. I do agree that I've not had vomiting with coccidia, only bad stinky diahhrea. It responds well to treatment.

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea *Update*

No x-rays taken, I did suggest this when I spoke with her while she was at the vet. At the visit only thing checked was Fever-none, Fecal-neg.(but if Coccidia I have read there can be several false negatives), Parvo-neg. Vet stated gave phenergan for nausea and an antibiotic-didn't tell me what kind.
I spoke with the puppy owner today, she had not taken him back to the vet at that time but had spoke with him. She said he also mentioned that this could have been bacterial or viral.
*She told me pup has not vomited since the vet visit the day before, was still having some diarrhea but was looking better than yesterday. Puppy has been drinking water, has ate some food, and he was starting to play and act like he was when she came to get him. I was relieved to hear this...I didn't sleep good last night I was so worried about him.
I want to thank everyone for all their wonderful advice and time.

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

IMO it isn't coccidia unless it started at your place. The different yard comment - well, he only went home yesterday and today isn't enough time for coccidia to reach this level of extreme. I'd be on the lookout for something to pass. Did the vet xray to see if there is anything "in there"?

I agree completely. He's only there 24 or less hours. He can't be symptomatic that soon from the buyers yard.

The coccidia diagnosis is thrown around constantly. Work with their vet for now and it will get figured out. If you have doubts, get the pup back to your vet. I hope by tomorrow all is well and the pup is back to normal.

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

Tylan works on other things besides coccidia... I should be saying coccidia-like symptoms I guess. Those symptoms can show up within 24 hours of exposure. How many of you have shown up in Frederick and had the "Potomac Crud" the next day? I have also had vomiting with coccidia-like symptoms. Tylan has never failed me. I figure the diagnosis isn't as important as stopping diarrhea in a puppy. It won't hurt the pup to try Albon or Tylan - and it may cure him within hours.

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

Anyone here think of Parvo?????????????????

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

"Don't bother with a fecal - too many false negatives"
Who are you to say a puppy should not get a fecal sample to check for all parasites? That is the FIRST thing a veterinarian would do to diagnose diarrhea and vomiting.

Be careful with your posts. You are diagnosing ("probably coccidia"), prognosing (should do fine with these prescription drugs I'm recommending...) and prescribing (Albon and Tylan), all without a diagnosis or exam, all of which are illegal and unethical unless you are a vet.
This puppy has seen a vet and is doing better. Be careful what "knowledge" you place on this owner's head, you could be very wrong in this situation. There are over 50 different reasons why a puppy might have vomiting and diarrhea, not always because of coccidia.
What "sounds like" something to an inexperienced person on the internet could in reality be something very, very different, and you could be hurting the situation by prognosing, diagnosing and prescribing, AND get yourself in a whole lot of trouble.

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

Just to clear up some misinformation, coccidia is everywhere. Coccidiosis is a disease of a comprimised immune system. Puppies, with an immature (comprimised) immune system are unable to fight the infection and proliferation of the coccidia.
There are many different drugs to treat coccidiosis. A puppy with diarrhea should always get a fecal sample to check for coccidia or other parasites. Parasites is the first thing a vet would test for in a puppy with diarrhea. Whatever the parasite found, the medication specific for that parasite would be prescribed.
Assuming a puppy with diarrhea has coccidia, and prescribling medications without doing a fecal is irresponsible and illegal. What if a young puppy had a reaction to the Albon or Tylan you sent it home with?

Re: Puppy throwing up & Diarrhea, Need some advice

Be careful with your armchair diagnosis!
"Don't bother with a fecal - too many false negatives"
Who are you to say a puppy should not get a fecal sample to check for all parasites? That is the FIRST thing a veterinarian would do to diagnose diarrhea and vomiting.

Be careful with your posts. You are diagnosing ("probably coccidia"), prognosing (should do fine with these prescription drugs I'm recommending...) and prescribing (Albon and Tylan), all without a diagnosis or exam, all of which are illegal and unethical unless you are a vet.
This puppy has seen a vet and is doing better. Be careful what "knowledge" you place on this owner's head, you could be very wrong in this situation. There are over 50 different reasons why a puppy might have vomiting and diarrhea, not always because of coccidia.
What "sounds like" something to an inexperienced person on the internet could in reality be something very, very different, and you could be hurting the situation by prognosing, diagnosing and prescribing, AND get yourself in a whole lot of trouble.

I am so glad you posted what you did, thank you! I didn't have the nerve to say what you did but did think it and more.

There are specific posters with or without their names that constantly diagnose or give medical advice on this list. They aren't vets! Some advise over the counter or holistic products, others get even deeper. None of them should be giving dosages, medicine suggestions or tell a breeder not to test a sick puppy.

If I agree with someones suggestion, I always say, "check with your vet". I don't care how many years we are breeding, we aren't vets. Suggesting a second opinion is fine but this crossed the gray zone.

Thank you for having the backbone to post what you did.