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puppies with diarreah

My puppies are 3.5 weeks old and I started them on puppy food..very soupy with Proplan puppy ground to a powder and goat's milk and water. Now we have diarreah. I've cut back the amount of food and they are getting it just morning and evening. Any ideas? I wish I hadn't started it...but it was we go :(

Re: puppies with diarreah

I switch them at about the same time and I use the same food, I turn it into mush but I just you bottled
water no milk. I put in a little pumpkin and I also
give a dose of Bene-bac every few days. Nice solid
stool!! I slowly take them off mom, Nursing twice a day, then once a day, then every other day. I know most folks can't do this, but I feed my pups seperate,
not as a gang eating as fast as they can. It really only takes a few more minutes even with a big litter.
Good Luck!

Re: puppies with diarreah

I have Dogzymes from Nature's Farmacy. Thank you so much for your answer..any idea where I can get benebac quickly? You give pumpkin at this age?

Re: puppies with diarreah

I never use any kind of milk on my puppies's food, only water. The only kind of milk my puppies ever get is their mother's milk. I don't have puppies with loose stools unless something else is going on. JMO

Re: puppies with diarreah

"I also give a dose of Bene-bac every few days"

Ditto! Started this with my last litter and worked wonders! Love the Nature Farmacy Products but the Dogzymes did not help the pups. I also bought forti-flora on amazon and give this to them weeks 4-8. That seemed to work better for us

Re: puppies with diarreah

I always have Forti-Flora on hand! Bene-bac I order
and yes I give a little pumpkin, they love it. I
never have soft pooh unless something else would be going on. Do you worm at 2,4,6,and 8 weeks?

Re: puppies with diarreah

What I do
I always have Forti-Flora on hand! Bene-bac I order
and yes I give a little pumpkin, they love it. I
never have soft pooh unless something else would be going on. Do you worm at 2,4,6,and 8 weeks?

I always keep Bene-bac handy when I have a litter on the ground from day 1. It's begun at 1 week and I continue giving it once a week with no symptoms. The pups don't mind the paste at all. Use Bene-bac daily following instructions by weight until their symptoms subside. If they don't in 1 or 2 days or worsen, call your vet immediately.

I would use good bottled or boiled water as I suspect the cause could be the water used in your food. As it coincides with the beginning of the meals, it prolly is something in it. You might want to bring in a couple of stool samples to be sure it's not coccidia or giardia.

I worm at 4, 6 & 8 weeks unless there would be a positive stool sample prior. Luckily, that hasn't happened in any of my litters but has happened to several friends litters. It's not uncommon.

I suggest slowly adding a little Rice Baby Cereal mixed in your recipe to thicken it. That should help bind the pups. Pumpkin is hard to find, there's a shortage so you may have to search store to store to find it.

Re: puppies with diarreah

Did they just start going outside too? Or has it been rainy or muddy? If so, think coccidia! I sprinkle 1/8 tsp on their food as soon as they start eating. I only feed them puppy food soaked overnight in goat's milk to make it soft and palatable. No rice cereal or pumpkin or anything else.

Re: puppies with diarreah

Thank you!~ Soft but formed today. Bottled water, proplan, pumpkin, benebac.

Re: puppies with diarreah

Also, too much water content in the food can cause diarrhea. They cannot absorb all the liquid if it's too soupy, so it has to exit the body in the form of increased urine production and liquid stools.
This is the tough age, you don't want the food to be too dry or gluey as they can choke on it, but too soupy I have found tends to give the runs!
With puppies, it's always something...!

Re: puppies with diarreah

I worm at 2 1/2 to 3 weeks, so it coincides with the first food (gruel). I use ground kibble, warm water, applesauce, yogurt and a little canned food or baby beef (like Gerber)