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Potomac entries

I entered Potomac by mail and have not received an
e-mail confirmation. Has anyone received confirmation on a mailed entry?

Re: Potomac entries

Yes I received email confos.

Re: Potomac entries

I also mailed my entries but when I didn't get e-mail confirmation, I called the day before the closing. They were confirmed but I still haven't received an e-mail. They may just be backed up due to the number of entries. Call MB-F Monday to find out.

Re: Potomac entries

Got the Email confirmation last week. about 4 days post mail.

Re: Potomac entries

Thanks everyone. I mailed them six days before closing. I'll call Monday.

Re: Potomac entries

Go to your bank online and see if your check cleared.

Re: Potomac entries

Email them. They will reply.

Re: Potomac entries

Dumb question, but if you mailed it did you furnish your email address at the bottom of the entry form? It's easy to miss.