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Tree Sap

I know there was a tread about getting tree sap off of dogs. Can someone help me find it? Or just give me a suggestion. Thanks!

Re: Tree Sap

Peanut Butter

Re: Tree Sap

Olive oil, dissolves it quickly!

Re: Tree Sap

WD40 works like a charm!

Re: Tree Sap

baby oil

Re: Tree Sap

Yep, just put baby oil on it and comb it right out.
Nothing harsh.

Re: Tree Sap

I've used peanut butter.

Re: Tree Sap


Re: Tree Sap

rubbing alcohol

Re: Tree Sap

Yup - we use olive oil all the time, too. Although after having our 100 foot pine taken out yesterday, we may not have to worry about it much anymore.

Re: Tree Sap

vegetable oil