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switching foods, puppy to adult?

I have kept three puppies from my last litter. 2 boys 1 girl. Almost 5 months old. I have been feeding them Pro Plan Puppy Chicken and Rice. They have great bone/coat and substance. Stools are Awesome!!!! Took them to vet for last shots and he said they are a bit low in pasterns and said I should switch to an adult food. My question is??? Pro Plan Chicken and Rice adult has the same protein and fat as the puppy food. What should I switch them too to get the same results as I have now. They are a great weight too. Not to heavy. Just alot of bone. They all have a wonderful waist line. TIA PS> One of the boys is the worst.

Re: switching foods, puppy to adult?

What about Pro Plan Performance. It has the right calcium & phos. %

Re: switching foods, puppy to adult?

My Pro Plan information shows Adult Chicken & Rice with 25-15% protein-fat and the Puppy C & R with 28-18%. Not sure about your numbers? Pups can go down in pasterns during teething, around 4-6 months of age - like yours.
If they were mine, I'd be patient for 1-2 months, keep them on Puppy, then switch to Adult.

Re: switching foods, puppy to adult?

thanks for the advice. I will keep them on it and wait for them to get done teething.