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What day are you arriving to Potomac?

Just wondering with the schedule being a day earlier what day do you plan on getting there. For the past 5 years I've been getting there on Monday, but now I'm thinking may Sunday

Re: What day are you arriving to Potomac?

Monday. Maybe Tuesday. Waiting for the judging program. If I have no Tuesday class, I will come late Tuesday night.

Re: What day are you arriving to Potomac?

Early Tues morning since classes on Tues do not start until 1PM.

Re: What day are you arriving to Potomac?

I'll be taking a red-eye Sunday night getting in early Monday morning to Dulles. I am renting a car to drive to Fredrick. I can't wait! It's my first time.

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: What day are you arriving to Potomac?

Getting there Monday afternoon. I'd rather be there and settled in with nothing to worry about, than realizing the day of(after a 6 hour drive) that I forgot something and have to make a mad rush to the store to get it. Seems I'm forever forgetting something, lol! Can't wait, so excited!

Re: What day are you arriving to Potomac?

Dianne Mullikin
I'll be taking a red-eye Sunday night getting in early Monday morning to Dulles. I am renting a car to drive to Fredrick. I can't wait! It's my first time.

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

I'll be happy to finally meet you Dianne. We never met but have chatted on a couple of the boards & e-mail.

I'm so happy you're finally making it to the Big P. Are you bringing any dogs or are you in spectator status? Either way, have a wonderful time at the Big P.

Don't forget your GPS! Do be sure to type in FredErick, MD. Lotsa people forget that E in the middle. I did the first time I used a GPS. If you don't have a GPS, borrow someones for your trip. It's worth it to just to get to Frederick altho I think there are 2 in MD, you'll need the right county.

Once you're in the mall look for the Holiday Inn, it's a ways into the mall area.

I'm arriving on Monday & hope to get my 1 parking spot. Seriously, I only take 1 cuz I have only 1 vehicle with me. Well, maybe I should arrive Sunday afternoon to make sure I can get my 1 spot. My car back up camera has a webcam mode, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Re: What day are you arriving to Potomac?

Weird....Dianne I think you may have a weird stalker. How strange to post all that and not use a real name.
Odd ducks...

Dianne Mullikin
I'll be taking a red-eye Sunday night getting in early Monday morning to Dulles. I am renting a car to drive to Fredrick. I can't wait! It's my first time.

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

I'll be happy to finally meet you Dianne. We never met but have chatted on a couple of the boards & e-mail.

I'm so happy you're finally making it to the Big P. Are you bringing any dogs or are you in spectator status? Either way, have a wonderful time at the Big P.

Don't forget your GPS! Do be sure to type in FredErick, MD. Lotsa people forget that E in the middle. I did the first time I used a GPS. If you don't have a GPS, borrow someones for your trip. It's worth it to just to get to Frederick altho I think there are 2 in MD, you'll need the right county.

Once you're in the mall look for the Holiday Inn, it's a ways into the mall area.

I'm arriving on Monday & hope to get my 1 parking spot. Seriously, I only take 1 cuz I have only 1 vehicle with me. Well, maybe I should arrive Sunday afternoon to make sure I can get my 1 spot. My car back up camera has a webcam mode, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Re: What day are you arriving to Potomac?

Thanks, look forward to meeting you too. And thanks for the correct spelling of Frederick. LOL I don't use GPS, would rather look at a map. In fact, it is frowned upon at work to use them too, so I'm well acquainted with my mapbooks. I'll just use google maps and go from there.

As for errr, well I know sometimes it's safer to remain anonymous on here =) I don't think acquaintance meant anything weird in his/her post.

Getting packed now, can't wait!

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA