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thinking of kennel name

I have been trying to come up with idea's as to a kennel name. Was wondering if you out there could give me some creative idea's. I am at a loss.

Re: thinking of kennel name

Try to think of the following:

- combining your family name or names

- a moment in your life that was so memorable you want to keep it with you forever

- a name that represents you, and your image of a labrador

- a name that means something to you (name of your first dog? where you were born? where you are located?)

Maybe if you tell us about yourself, your name, etc, we can help you out a bit more :)

Re: thinking of kennel name

I chose the name of a nearby brook that my dogs and I frequent. Local geography can be a great source of ideas.

Re: thinking of kennel name

I used the kennel name "Locust Grove" for over 25 years because I lived on a farm with the name "Locust Grove Farm."

When I tried to register it with AKC they rejected it and went with my second choice "JonValer" pronounced John-Valer - it is the first three letters of my last name and the first five letters of my first name. Want to know who came up with that? The school district I work for! Everyone's school e-mail address starts that way. I am not very creative either. GOOD LUCK in tossing around ideas.

Valerie Jones - Bibsmom

Re: thinking of kennel name

Just be sure the name is not already taken. My family and I came up with wonderful names, only to find them all taken. It can take quite a bit of research before you find all the ones out there already and make sure yours is not already used. A good place to start is to look at Wiscoy's kennel listings, sometimes that stimulates other ideas when you think of how others came up with their names.

Re: thinking of kennel name

Is there anywhere where the registered kennel names are listed. This would save time. I know that each month the new approved names are in the back of the Gazette. But a complete list would be better. Just wondering?????

Re: thinking of kennel name

try putting you prospective kennel name in a search engine (ie google) with the word Labrador

Re: thinking of kennel name

Put your prospective kennel name in the OFA database search. If nothing comes up, it is probably good!

Re: thinking of kennel name

lab lover mom
Is there anywhere where the registered kennel names are listed. This would save time. I know that each month the new approved names are in the back of the Gazette. But a complete list would be better. Just wondering?????

Many names are not registered but it would be unethical to use them when they have already been in use consistently by another kennel.

Re: thinking of kennel name

You should also search AKC for the kennel name.

Re: thinking of kennel name

You should also search AKC for the kennel name.

Just an FYI, the search engine for AKC no longer picks up names beyond the first word. For example, if you look up Kinderwood, it will only show you 1 result at this point (even though we've had 4 other dogs who we've registered with our name somewhere in the dog's name)- which might lead a person who doesn't investigate further to believe it was just a one time use and not an actual kennel name. The OFA database is a little more diverse with the "any part of name" option, but a lot can be found (websites, show results, etc.) simply by Google.