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Is this worthwhile for dogs with diagnosed osteoarthritis??? Thoughts and comments appreciated.

Re: Cartrophen

I think you mean carprofen, which is the generic name for Rimadyl.
Rimadyl or carprofen is one of many NSAIDs that can help arthritis and joint disease in dogs. Some other NSAIDs are Deramaxx, Prevacox, then there are analgesics (pain meds) like Tramadol, Metacam, which help with pain. There are many "natural" joint supplements with different ingredients (some with natural cox-2 inhibitors like Phy-Cox's blue-green algae or perna caniliculus, derived from mussels) that help tremendously long-term.
Your veterinarian is in the best position to prescribe what's best for your dog.
NO DRUG is without side-effects, so it's best to have a heart-to-heart with your vet to explore why he/she is recommending one treatment over another. Sometimes vets will combine two drugs of two different classes (i.e., analgesic plus NSAID) but remember NEVER combine NSAIDs.

Re: Cartrophen

I think they mean Cartrophen. I have used it here in Canada for years, under my vet's guidance. It's a joint promoter, helps promote lots of natural lubrication to be produced at the joints. I used it on youngun's with Pano, with very good results. I always felt more confident that we were doing all we could for growing joints.

Good luck with your dog.

Re: Cartrophen

Tks Linda. I've heard great things about this from vets and a friend is just starting her dog on it. I have a 6 yr old with an elbow that can cause him some grief if/when he over does it and we're using a low dose of meloxicam when necessary. Robin, here's a link FYI:

Re: Cartrophen

That is really interesting. Even used for feline lower urinary tract disease with no known cause--a thought being that the lining of the bladder has similar chemicals to that in joints, if I am reading this correctly. It helps idiopathic cystitis--wonder if it would help dogs with that? The body is amazingly complex!

Re: Cartrophen

Maybe talk to your vet or send an e-mail to the company about the cystitis?

Re: Cartrophen

Thanks. I don't have a dog with cystitis issues, but I do know from years of rescue that it can lead to a dog being given up, and it's a big reason in cat rescue. Persians have pee problems, one would think from doing rescue. I am passing the info on to a friend with a cat with issues.

Re: Cartrophen

Thanks, CM, I stand corrected!
WOW, never heard about it until now...sounds like Cartrophen has some real promising applications for osteoarthritis, without the the side-effects of NSAIDs. It does say not to use in dogs with clotting disorders or traumatic hemmorrhage. is a trusted friend and great resource, with all kinds of information on every imaginable veterinary drug.
Thanks, again, CM for the link!

Re: Cartrophen

YW! If we decide to give it a try, I'll send an update too.