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Has anyone here used Fly Predators?

I know many people have great success with them around their stables. Has anyone used them around kennels? They advertised that they work. Any testimonials? They are not expensive. i am thinking of giving them a try.

Re: Has anyone here used Fly Predators?

We use them here on the farm-nearly four hundred acres and over 300 horses-and find them very effective, especially early in the season. There are neighboring cattle ranches and some of those cattle flies don't get handled by the predators, but we deal with that by spot treating the horses. I know other people with smaller ranches that are successful with predators as well.

Re: Has anyone here used Fly Predators?

They do not work if you have neighbors who insist on using chemical sprays. I tried them last year and of course, when the neighbor sprayed, the predators died too. I hate chemicals.

Re: Has anyone here used Fly Predators?

This is the 4th year we have used the predators. The first year I began late in the fly season and results were unimpressive. The 2nd year I started in March and by July my skeptical husband was commenting on the noticeable decrease in the number of flies. Last year I needed to boost the numbers of predators, as we ran cattle and had a neighbor running cattle on property bounding ours. We also continue to use disposable water filled fly traps and we compost the manure. Most of the predators are released near the compost piles (2) and the rest dispersed around the perimeters of the doggie paddocks. They are susceptible to chickens and any pest sprays. All in all we are happy and will continue to use.

Re: Has anyone here used Fly Predators?

I just ordered them a couple of days ago. I'm hopeful.

Re: Has anyone here used Fly Predators?

I bought them one year and did not see much improvement. Of course, I wondered if I started early enough and if I did everything perfectly. If a bunch of people report wonderful results, I could be persuaded to try again next year. I HATE flies!!!!

Re: Has anyone here used Fly Predators?

We have used them for 10 years. If you start using them before you see a problem, you will be satisfied.

Re: Has anyone here used Fly Predators?

I LOVE them!!!

Re: Has anyone here used Fly Predators?

Would'nt be without them!