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Potomac heat wave? Can it be true?

I'm still packing my Potomac wear. Never trust the weathermen!

Re: Potomac heat wave? Can it be true?

That's because the only suitcase I've loaded is the one with all of the coats in it.

Re: Potomac heat wave? Can it be true?

Just remember if you don't pack it, you will need it! I've got my coat and boots, just in case. I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it! LOL

Dianne Mullikin EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: Potomac heat wave? Can it be true?

So odd this weather. Let's hope it lasts. What do most wear to the Gala Wednesday night?

Re: Potomac heat wave? Can it be true?

A tropical winter and now, today, snow!