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any news from the Potomac ???

could not go but would love to hear any news please

Re: any news from the Potomac ???

You'll have to be's not on yet:

Re: any news from the Potomac ???

HAHAH!! I was waiting for the first person to ask for results...

One more week! Maybe ask about DFW on Friday ;)

Re: any news from the Potomac ???

Hmm....maybe this was a test of the "early results reporting system"?!

Re: any news from the Potomac ???

At least you didn't ask for this week off by accident like someone else I know...

Re: any news from the Potomac ???

OH NO! Hope they didn't have dogs entered and now can't get the time off!

Re: any news from the Potomac ???

could not go but would love to hear any news please

Heck if I know who WD was or will be but I do know who winners bitch is, I'm just not sayin.

Re: any news from the Potomac ???

I got my weeks messed up...need a brain