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Vitamins- antibiotics for pregnant female?

im most likely going to breed my yellow girl next year and was wondering if you give antibiotics to newly bred bitches and if so, how long? also what kind of supplments-vitamins do you start them on and when? She gets pet tabs now but i know breeders give them extra things when expecting.
also do you give your males anything besides regular vitamins?

Re: Vitamins- antibiotics for pregnant female?

I used to give Pet Tabs, or for breeding girls, Pet Tabs Plus for the extra folic acid. After testing revealed Pet Tabs to have a high lead content, about the time that the dog to which I fed them for 8 years was dying mysteriously , just before her dog foods were recalled, I stopped using them. They were reviewed a year or two later, and still had high lead content. Even some human supplements from other manufacturers, including those for children, were problematic. The Consumer Lab reports on made me look at Virbac and Pfizer differently, I must admit.

Re: Vitamins- antibiotics for pregnant female?

I haven´t had many litters but if I have a girl who is expecting I don´t add extra vitamins... only feed her high quality food and give her extra food, like fresh veggies, boiled eggs, even some fruits.... and in the last week before her due date I give cottage cheese or pure yogurt :) But I don´t give much of the extra... only very little :)