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needs a boost

I have a 12 day old puppy that I am bottle feeding for a friend. She was getting pushed aside a little week from day one. Now she is half the size of her litter mates. Anything I can add to puppy milk to catch her up more?

Re: needs a boost

bottle baby
I have a 12 day old puppy that I am bottle feeding for a friend. She was getting pushed aside a little week from day one. Now she is half the size of her litter mates. Anything I can add to puppy milk to catch her up more?

what are you feeding her? how much? how often?

Re: needs a boost

We started with a puppy bottle. That did not work so well. Vet wanted me to tube feed, but I think she was just not getting enough for my fear of overfilling. So we now are on a regular small baby bottle. Works great. I am feeding her about every 2 hours until she is full.

Re: needs a boost

Also it is Esbilac puppy milk from my vet.