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Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

We have 2 tables available for the Veterans Gala on Wednesday night. If you are interested in purchasing one of the tables please contact Alice Judah at:

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

Are they ringside or back by the wall? Thought I was getting a ringside table last year as in years past and ended up at a table in the back and not being able to see a thing. Spent most of my time on the bleachers where I could see. Decided to donate my money directly to a rescue organization this year. Lots of nice people on the bleachers.

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

Same here. I got my money in right away and got a back table by the door - couldn't see a thing. Not going to bother this year.

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

Not worth my bother, either. The tables last year were $50 more, but were "reserved," not "ringside," as in previous years. I couldn't see a thing! I, too, will be a "Bleacher Creature" this year - and am looking forward to it!

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

Nothing wrong with a "Bleacher Creature". Just don't wear a tight skirt. I wore a tight skirt two years ago darn near killed myself trying to climb the bleachers. But, much better view, I agree.

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

LMAO - Thanks for the tip, Linda!

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

Last year's auction,dancing dogs took forever,nice to see Veterans and Juniors, Juniors not inside this this year. Not worth paying for "ringside table" and getting stuck in corner somewhere.

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

They used to have lovely roses on the table, last year it was a dollar store centerpiece. No more juniors. Who wants to see dancing dogs anyway?Veterans are good, but most auction stuff should have been on the silent table, keep the good stuff for the live auction or we'll be up all night. Think I'll spend my table money elsewhere.

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

The Gala was always much fun wereever you sat.
BUT I have to agree that although I enjoy seeing our favorite Veterans it won't be the same without the Juniors. It was nice to see the Juniors taking the spotlight and the kids enjoyed the attention & they looked forward to the Gala. Won't be the same

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

I am sooo super excited about the Gala. As my first time getting to attend a Potomac Speciality, I cannot wait to get to experience all of it, as close as possible. Maybe my youth has some rose colored glasses, but just getting to sit with so many breeders from around the world and talk about the dogs we love is enough to make me giddy.

My 9 yo daughter has attended for a few years and I FINALLY am getting to come. Sitting in the bleachers might be enough for me but our table will be overflowing with fun, exciting gifts from other breeders around the world. Just the fact that people from all over cannot wait for the event is enough to entice me. Seemingly, the LRCP has done a bang up job on the speciality for years, enough so that it is the talk of this forum =)

I know that I can control at least my part of the week's activities. I will try my hardest to entertain everyone at our table so you won't feel like you missed out on the bar. (Actually, I think someone else is bringing the wine)

I am looking forward to meeting you all this upcoming week. I will be the one with the adorable baby slung to my breast and the little Irish Dancing girl, skipping next to me =)

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

Yeah well, make sure your children are of the seen and not heard variety. There are lots of lab folks who believe that children do not belong at Potomac and have no qualms saying so loudly and often, and given the opportunity, directly to the kids. Which is why I don't go anymore.

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

Children should been seen and heard! Especially at Potomac. LRCP has worked very hard the last four to five years on encouraging our juniors to participate in the activities of Potomac. What better way to teach the future of our sport. I personally love working with the kids and I have found that in the last few years that the spectators and exhibitors have been wonderful to the kids and the little projects that we have done in the past. I hope that continues this year. LRCP will continue to support the juniors.

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

Some people think children and babies should go everywhere they go, but they should only go to places where they can succeed at having socially acceptable behavior. If you have a child that can't do that for long enough, it's not fair to the child or to any other attendees to take him or her somewhere that will inevitably lead to the poor child breaking down and causing disruption to other people. And if the child starts causing a disruption, it's up to the parent to remove him or her from the situation. JMHO

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

The children I saw at the Potomac last year were just fine.

Re: Potomac - Tables Available for Gala

The children I saw at the Potomac last year were just fine.

Same here, the children were wonderfully behaved. In Macy's and not breeders children, well that's a different story.