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What does U-Ch stands for?

Re: U-CH

I am pretty sure it is United Kennel Club Championship... But I could be wrong.

Re: U-CH

United Kennel Club shows are great for practice, but the UKC CH is not very competitive. In fact, you can get a UKC CH without ever competing against another dog of your same breed.

Re: U-CH

Once again, the UKC bashing begins. Why so negative? I think the OP just asked what a U-CH is. I do not deny that it IS possible to earn a UKC CH title without defeating a Labrador, but this is not the norm nor is it very common. A GRCH title is more prestigious in the UKC world, as you need to have 3 champions in the class and win 5 times under 3 different judges. Sure you can bring all your own champions to achieve this, but what's the fun in that?

I agree, most people put a "U" in front of their UKC champion title, not to be confused or mislead the public in thinking it is an AKC title.

Re: U-CH


Re: U-CH

I've shown plenty in UKC shows, and it is NOT very competitive. This is not being negative or "bashing". It is being realistic.

Re: U-CH

so in otherwords, you can get the "prestigeous" grch by defeating 3 other dogs who have also not competed against another dog of their breed?
Gee, sounds like fun. Not.

here we go again
Once again, the UKC bashing begins. Why so negative? I think the OP just asked what a U-CH is. I do not deny that it IS possible to earn a UKC CH title without defeating a Labrador, but this is not the norm nor is it very common. A GRCH title is more prestigious in the UKC world, as you need to have 3 champions in the class and win 5 times under 3 different judges. Sure you can bring all your own champions to achieve this, but what's the fun in that?

I agree, most people put a "U" in front of their UKC champion title, not to be confused or mislead the public in thinking it is an AKC title.

Re: U-CH

I beg your pardon, but the UKC competitions in which I have competed have had significantly more than 1 other Lab to defeat in order to get a competition win. In fact, I have competed in UKC classes with far more Labs than at all-breed AKC show--and have not gotten a competition win with my AKC champions.

BTW, a Lab only needs to defeat ONE Lab in our area to get an AKC point. And there are many breeds in which 3 other dogs equals a major. So get over yourself.

I go to shows to have fun with my dogs and get together with friends, not prove something. When AKC starts being fun again, I might spend more time there again.

Re: U-CH

I am just curious is there a clock or timer somewhere that says every so often on Wiscoy we need to bash UKC?? I think it has been beat to death on this board.

I have went to UKC shows and with all agreeance it is alot of fun and a great way to see what Judges think of your pups or how your dogs compares to others. On the same token I have also went to CKC shows and watched a dog finish in a matter of a long weekend but I do not hear any disagreement with that.

If someone is out and having fun with their dogs whether it is friendly competition or just to socialize let it be. Those that show in UKC are doing no harm to anyone who shows exclusively in AKC or CKC.

Re: U-CH

And just to set the record straight, YES, you can win points in UKC by being the ONLY lab, but you CANNOT win your Champion title without ever beating another dog.

The rules are you need 100 points and 3 competition wins. The Competition wins need to be at the WD/WB equivalent. No other labs, like so many of you bitch about, then you need to win in the group ring going against the entire Gun Dog group. Placing 1 through 4 and beating other dogs in the group will earn you a competition win. I have seen LARGE group classes with a representative of almost every breed at the shows. If your lab is lucky to win a group placement, it's usually because you have a decent dog, not some pet-quality dog that deserves a bag on it's head.

For all of you that say how horrible the UKC is with the quality of labs that show, I CHALLENGE you to take your pretty dog out to the shows and UP the competition. Sure there are questionable dogs our there showing, but if you show up with your nice dog and convince your friends to come with their nice dogs, you suddenly have a show with dogs just as competitive as any small AKC show.

All of you that bitch about the politics of AKC and how the professional handlers ruin it for all the owner handlers and blah blah blah, whatever sorry excuse you want to give for not winning in AKC, get your butts in gear and join UKC and do your part in improving the quality of dogs seen at the shows. All the anti-UKC folks are just a bunch a cry-babies, I bet none of the well known accomplished lab exhibitors are bitching about UKC, it's only those who have little to no accomplishments of their own want to belittle those who are taking their dogs out and working with them, and winning.

Re: U-CH

And just to set the record straight, YES, you can win points in UKC by being the ONLY lab, but you CANNOT win your Champion title without ever beating another dog.

The rules are you need 100 points and 3 competition wins. The Competition wins need to be at the WD/WB equivalent. No other labs, like so many of you bitch about, then you need to win in the group ring going against the entire Gun Dog group. Placing 1 through 4 and beating other dogs in the group will earn you a competition win. I have seen LARGE group classes with a representative of almost every breed at the shows. If your lab is lucky to win a group placement, it's usually because you have a decent dog, not some pet-quality dog that deserves a bag on it's head.

For all of you that say how horrible the UKC is with the quality of labs that show, I CHALLENGE you to take your pretty dog out to the shows and UP the competition. Sure there are questionable dogs our there showing, but if you show up with your nice dog and convince your friends to come with their nice dogs, you suddenly have a show with dogs just as competitive as any small AKC show.

All of you that bitch about the politics of AKC and how the professional handlers ruin it for all the owner handlers and blah blah blah, whatever sorry excuse you want to give for not winning in AKC, get your butts in gear and join UKC and do your part in improving the quality of dogs seen at the shows. All the anti-UKC folks are just a bunch a cry-babies, I bet none of the well known accomplished lab exhibitors are bitching about UKC, it's only those who have little to no accomplishments of their own want to belittle those who are taking their dogs out and working with them, and winning.


Re: U-CH

This is so silly. I agree, jealousy makes someone come on and start this about every three months. We have a ball at UKC shows. Most with Labs that I know of show AKC and get ribbons and UKC. So when the person went and it was so easy, I guess, you have your grand championship now ? I have never shown against only one dog. Maybe some areas don't have good turn out. Our area has great entrys from all over. UKC Ch.s will be at Potomac. Hope they're not standing in front of you with the ribbons.

Re: U-CH

I show my dogs in both UKC and AKC, and many of the judges are both UKC and AKC judges. I have bitches that are AKC Champion pointed that have and have not placed in UKC. Don't knock it until you try it!!! And I agree, bring your dogs out and let's see how they do!!!

Re: U-CH

No, you are incorrect. You need to go back and re-read the post you quoted. And actually it IS quite fun!

so in otherwords, you can get the "prestigeous" grch by defeating 3 other dogs who have also not competed against another dog of their breed?
Gee, sounds like fun. Not.

here we go again
Once again, the UKC bashing begins. Why so negative? I think the OP just asked what a U-CH is. I do not deny that it IS possible to earn a UKC CH title without defeating a Labrador, but this is not the norm nor is it very common. A GRCH title is more prestigious in the UKC world, as you need to have 3 champions in the class and win 5 times under 3 different judges. Sure you can bring all your own champions to achieve this, but what's the fun in that?

I agree, most people put a "U" in front of their UKC champion title, not to be confused or mislead the public in thinking it is an AKC title.

Re: U-CH

In my area there are very few Labs at UKC shows, and I've heard of UKC champions being made up in one weekend. I've never heard of a Lab winning an AKC championship in one weekend where three five point majors would be needed three days in a row. How many five point majors are there except for specialties. Not all, but some breeders get quick UKC CH titles then advertise that they have CH sired litters and sell the pups for the same amount as an AKC CH sired litter. It is these few that are doing this with money in mind that I find fault with. I have no problem with the ones who show in UKC and also AKC.

Re: U-CH

This whole thing is stupid. If someone said the Queen Elizabeth rose is beautiful and someone else sneered and said it was inferior because the Peace rose is most beautiful, everyone would think that is stupid. Don't you people have any idea how ridiculous this makes you look?

Re: U-CH

This whole thing is stupid. If someone said the Queen Elizabeth rose is beautiful and someone else sneered and said it was inferior because the Peace rose is most beautiful, everyone would think that is stupid. Don't you people have any idea how ridiculous this makes you look?

Exactly! Why do people think that they are better than anyone else just because they have AKC Champions?? Why does it even matter what other people think about your dogs anyway? To me it's important that people are enjoying themselves and proving their dogs at whatever venue they choose. Does that mean an AKC Show Champion is better than an AKC Field Trial Champion? Why not rag on them because they aren't "show" champions?

To those who look down on people who choose the UKC venue over the AKC venue, please go enjoy your dogs and stop worrying what other do with theirs.

Re: U-CH


Re: U-CH and my soapbox

I absolutely am in awe of Labradors in the Northeast who finish their AKC championships. The quality, in my opinion, has improved tremendously in the 20 years that I have been involved in the sport. Even at the smallest shows, on any given day, often more than one dog is deserving of the point(s).

And, with the incredible number of dogs needed for a major, I also applaud the owners who have the stick-to-it-tiveness and the confidence and pride in their dogs to battle the competition week after week. . . despite the expense and disillusionment.

This brings me to my soapbox. We have to do something to recognize a larger number of worthy dogs at these AKC dog shows. The AKC should give points to the RWD at major shows. I wish I knew how to make this happen. We all have talked about it for years.

We should not need a different registry to add some degree of fairness and fun to the game. But, if that is the only way to finally have your dog recognized for its genuine quality. . . then go for it!

Re: U-CH

And just to set the record straight, YES, you can win points in UKC by being the ONLY lab, but you CANNOT win your Champion title without ever beating another dog.

The rules are you need 100 points and 3 competition wins. The Competition wins need to be at the WD/WB equivalent. No other labs, like so many of you bitch about, then you need to win in the group ring going against the entire Gun Dog group. Placing 1 through 4 and beating other dogs in the group will earn you a competition win. I have seen LARGE group classes with a representative of almost every breed at the shows. If your lab is lucky to win a group placement, it's usually because you have a decent dog, not some pet-quality dog that deserves a bag on it's head.

For all of you that say how horrible the UKC is with the quality of labs that show, I CHALLENGE you to take your pretty dog out to the shows and UP the competition. Sure there are questionable dogs our there showing, but if you show up with your nice dog and convince your friends to come with their nice dogs, you suddenly have a show with dogs just as competitive as any small AKC show.

All of you that bitch about the politics of AKC and how the professional handlers ruin it for all the owner handlers and blah blah blah, whatever sorry excuse you want to give for not winning in AKC, get your butts in gear and join UKC and do your part in improving the quality of dogs seen at the shows. All the anti-UKC folks are just a bunch a cry-babies, I bet none of the well known accomplished lab exhibitors are bitching about UKC, it's only those who have little to no accomplishments of their own want to belittle those who are taking their dogs out and working with them, and winning.

Well said. It is usually those that can't win in the UKC that complain about it. I have UKC grand champions and champions and my dogs are also AKC champions and AKC champion pointed. I have used UKC as a learning & training tool for myself as a handler and for my dogs to get experience in the ring. Recently, I have not been showing in as many UKC shows because I have a few I am showing in the AKC and it can get expensive to show in both registries at the same time.

The competition in UKC is as good as it is in your area. Like the other poster said, you want tougher competition then bring out your nice dogs and see how you do. I have been to plenty of AKC shows where the competition is not so great in fact it has been pretty mediocre.

Re: U-CH

A simple question turned into the same argueing.

AKC is the gold standard. UKC is fine for those who want to participate but I'm sorry, there is no comparison on the championships.

I will not argue, I see nothing wrong with the UKC but don't try to say it's the same as AKC b/c it isn't. Plain n simple.

Enjoy the UKC friendships,shows and CH GR CH's but please don't try to say it's as difficult as an AKC CH.

I've seen friendships go down the pipes over this subject, how silly is that? Everyone can have their opinion. Mine is what I said and most that don't heavily participate in UKC say the same.

Also. Allowing litters to be registred that is out of or by an AKC limited bitch or dog is so wrong. It's a way to buy a pet and breed it for some. Then others have the U CH or GR U CH to get their pups sold easier or for more money as someone else said. The problem now is buyers are comparing UKC to CKC *NOT CANADIAN KENNEL CLUB*! Continental Kennel Club UKC people, do you really want to be part of being combined with that garbage?

There are alot of ways to look at a U-CH due to other factors. Done for the right reasons, I think it's FABU and great handling skill practice.

As that Continental Kennel Club garbage is right on the heals of UKC you best take care of getting the comparions out of the way.

Stop fighting over it. It's causing a small split in the breed that isn't necesary. We have enough going on that we should be banding together about like PETA, LAWS, HSUS, TVD, EIC, EPILEPSY, screwed up OFA readings lately and alot more in the LAB. As LAB beeders stay together for all and the hell with the difference between UKC and AKC CH's. Pick your own veneu's, both or either and don't nitpic. We all know the difference and most UKC people participate in AKC also. It's not as easy to finish your AKC CH unless ............. so if UKC is good enough for you, that's fine. Please don't fool yourself into thinking they are the same, we all know they aren't.

Re: U-CH

The *U-Ch* stands for UKC Champion. People use the U for short. I have been in attendance at UKC shows also, they are ok, but not as polished as the AKC shows. Winning in the AKC is much harder than winning in the UKC. The AKC usually draws a higher quality of labradors and more labradors are competing in the shows on any given day. The UKC championship is not hard to obtain, you only need to win over one other labrador in the same class to start earning the points. If a dog gets BOW instead of a best male or best female the dog earns a few more points, what the UKC considers a major, if they earn the extra points this way one can earn the UKC title in 3 shows rather than the 4 that they usually have in one weekend.

The UKC is not a bad place for beginners with starter dogs to learn the ropes of showing dogs, but it is in no way as tough as the AKC. Most labrador show breeders do not hold any accountablity on UKC wins and titles. I think the idea that a dog placed on an AKC limited registration can be registered with the UKC and win a championship speaks volumes.

Re: U-CH

. . "most reputable breeders do not place any value on UKC chamionships OR TITLES" And many AKC champions could never earn a UKC hunt title (or AKC hunt title for that matter) because their dogs do not have innate hunting ability. When it comes to performance, some UKC classes are actually more difficult than AKC such as UKC Rally.

Also, most AKC champions have been professionally handled to their championship, so UKC is great for the do it yourselfer. You still have to meet a resonable standard. Also, in some parts of the country, the competition is more challenging. And UKC are growing exponentially so the U-CH will continue to have more meaning.

I agree, though, AKC is the gold standard for conformation.