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Ode to The Potomac 2010

The Travelmeister’s getting set
For our yearly Potomac caper,
But first she must get down to work
And put her pen to paper.

The vans are packed with all the gear,
We’ve Googled the judging panel,
One last thing before we leave,
A peek at the Weather Channel.

The Potomac club toils hard all year
To exceed our expectations,
As we arrive from near and far,
From various states and nations.

The show has grown as years have passed,
Now another day of classes,
Labs’ biggest show in all the world,
Soon we’ll all need 10-day passes!

The first arrivals set up camp,
With yellow tape galore,
One less van comes from the West
Now that Silva's almost next door.

The tents are up, the rings are fenced,
Precious catalogs await,
Exhibitors are lining up
With dog and leash and bait.

The Travelmeister must admit
That she’s not good with change,
Without her trusty pop-ups there
Will certainly seem strange.

How to avoid the elements,
What can she bring from home?
The TM might be seated ‘neath
A ten-foot orange cone.

Another change in store for us,
It’s Julie Brown’s last year,
Her awesome book continues on,
See you ringside next year, dear!

With much to do, we meet and greet
Some dear old friends, some new,
Some wine, some food, some ringside chat,
Oh, and karaoke too!

Labs by day, God knows what by night,
Time will pass at its own pace,
Countless trips walking to and from
Each cone-strewn parking space.

The gnomes it seems, have gone to ground,
No challenges strong and bold,
Perhaps their quest has reached its end,
Or merely been put on hold.

We’re marking up our catalogs
With notes on coats and heads,
We’re Eastie/Westie Thursday night,
After dogs are walked and fed.

Before we know, the days have flown,
Did you see all you wanted to see?
Found that perfect dog in the Open class?
Is he Optigen A or B?

Friday comes, time for Best of Breed,
Judge Winnie points to her winner,
We pack our stuff, police the grounds,
Head to May’s for a crabby dinner.

This year the show’s a week behind,
We’ll find it rather funny,
To not race home on Saturday
Ahead of the Easter Bunny.

So bon voyage, we’ll see you there
As we race for a parking spot,
To those who can’t attend this year,
We’ll miss you all a lot.

Shorter this year, with fewer verse,
Your Travelmeister’s slacking,
The spirit of her poem remains,
Now she must return to packing!

The Travelmeister wishes all a safe trip with calm seas and smooth sailing! See you in Frederick!

Re: Ode to The Potomac 2010

Bravo!! Well Done!

Re: Ode to The Potomac 2010

Thanks Beth! I can't go this year but love to read your work every year and pretend that I am going too. Have fun, and travel safe everyone.

Re: Ode to The Potomac 2010

I really look forward to reading your annual "Ode To The Potomac" You are such an amazing woman...a fabulous cook, a talented writer and a very nice person to boot! Reading your "little ditty" brought a much needed chuckle to my "way too serious" life. For that...I thank you! I wish I was going to the Big "P" but it's just not in the cards for me this year. I hope your Big Honking Orange Cone provides shelter from the elements since there will be no popping up at the Potomac this year (wink) Best of luck with your girls this year!

Re: Ode to The Potomac 2010

Well done Beth! I will know where to look for you. Just fine the HUGE orange cone. Ha!!

Re: Ode to The Potomac 2010

Potomac XXXV

We'll see you there, you can be sure.
We've got a case of Potomac Fever.
As for our verse, so sorry to be tardy.
But, as they say, better late than never.

We know our poem is overdue.
But we've had a hard winter, you know?
It isn't easy being ten inches tall
And be buried under six feet of snow.

We salute the Travelmeister.
Her rhymes are such a joy to read.
She must be using flame retardant paper
As the words fly across at speed.

Potomac is coming! Potomac is coming!
Let's send forth a huge "shout out"
To welcome all who have traveled far
You will have fun - of that there is no doubt.

Old friends will reacquaint
Over gossip, drinks and dinner.
The competition will be fierce
To arrive at the final winner.

New friendships will be forged
Come rain, or wind, or "whatever"
If it's April it is Potomac
And we're hapless victims of the weather.

To Fredericktown the Labradors will travel
By land, by rail, by sea, by air
From parts North, South, East and West
To the Specialty beyond compare.

The judges hail from far and wide
They're excited to be coming, too
Wishing success and much good luck
With disappointments to be few.

So come for the sport and camaraderie
But mind your "Pees" and "Ques"
When hearing stories of Potomac
We just want to hear good news.

It's all about our lovely breed
Whether lean or plump, short or tall
The Blacks, the Chocolates, and the Yellows
We love them one and all.

From Rally Ring to Obedience
Junior Showmanship to Conformation
The numbers are just astounding
One thousand strong from all across the nation.

Other countries are represented, too
Of entries there is no shortage.
From around the world, a Lab is a Lab
Whether "domestic" or of "importage".

But come what may, it will be fun
And time to come alive
The one and only Breeders' "Inter"-National,
Potomac Thirty- Five.

Re: Ode to The Potomac 2010

Thanks for the smiles!