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DFWLRC Saturday results

I'm home but just got results from sweeps.

Judge Susan Eberhardt (Saddlehill):

Best in Sweeps: JanLon's Tea Time at Picklecreek
Best Opp: Annual's Dream Machine

Congrats, Debbie and Jan, and Manolo!

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Under Elizabeth Bowron, Winners Dog was Trinity's Moses, to finish! Congrats, Stacy and Starkey

Reserve Winner's Dog was Sunnybrooks They Call Me Sketch

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Way to go Chai and Jan!!!

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Congratulations Kathy Devito, Stacey and Starky!!!!!

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Winner's Bitch was Trinity's Twizzler at Candy Labs-- congrats Stacey and Starkey and Candace Young!!

Reserve Winner's Bitch was Mtn Meadow Bugsie

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

BOB was WD (Trinity's Moses)
BOS was Ch. Maritime Forecast Matilda (finished yesterday)

I don't have word on JAMs yet.

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Congratulations again to Kathy Devito of Trinity and the Greens of Greenstone on their BOB, WD, WB and Best Puppy! Yay!

Congratulations to everyone one else as well!

Now on to Potomac :) safe travels everyone!

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Congratulations to Stacey , Starkey ,Candace , Pam and Gerald , Ryan and Linda. Sounds like Elizabeth found some good ones. Great Job !!!!!!

Mike and Lenore

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Way to go Moses..., Congratulations

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Congratulations again to Kathy Devito of Trinity and the Greens of Greenstone on their BOB, WD, WB and Best Puppy! Yay!

Congratulations to everyone one else as well!

Now on to Potomac :) safe travels everyone!

Congratulations to Stacey & Starkey Green (Greenstone)!! They are the breeders of BISS/New Champion Trinity's Moses! Kathy Devito (Trinity) is breeder/co-owner listed in name *only*. The Greens bred and raised this dog on their own, most people don't know that information.
The Greens are the breeders (again K. Devito is listed in name only) of Winners Bitch and JAM winner, co-owning with Candice Young (Candy Labs). Job well done Candice, handling to your first Specialty win!
Marco Iragorri (Iragorri) is the breeder of Best Puppy, however, Deloris VanSant (Delian) whelped the litter and chose this puppy for the Greens. A lot of people don't know that information either.
Congratulations to the Hyspire's on their New Champion/BOS (Day 1) and again winning BOS (Day 2)!!!
Congratulations also to Rae Cheng for his WD and BOB wins on Day 1!!

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

CORRECTION to my previous post:
BISS/New Champion Trinity's Moses was co-bred by Carol Heidl and Kathy Devito. The Greens whelped and raised Moses. It's nice to see such a joint effort produce such a beautiful dog! Congratulations again!

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

I don't know who you are but thank you, thank you. No one ever congratulates us on the forum so it is more appreciated than you can imagine.

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

I can't help but comment that not only were your dogs beautiful and well deserving, you ladies also seem very gracious. We were parked next to your van on Friday, and Vonnie was kind enough to answer my questions about one of your dogs and a few other questions. I also heard her offering tips and help to someone else. For new folks struggling to learn, it is encouraging to see not only the beautiful quality dogs in the ring but wisdom and kindness too!! I am impressed by both examples.
Congratulations again!!

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

You are very welcome Judy! I believe credit should be given where credit is due and you ladies have very beautiful dogs! I have not met you, but see you each year at DFWLRC. I also agree with the previous poster that you ladies are always very gracious, with lovely dogs. Well done--best of luck at Potomac and for all traveling that way!

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

It is always nice to give credit where credit is due and this weekend's DFWLRC specialty had some terrific placements and winners. Please remember though that it sometimes takes more than one household to be successful. And those households usually have to start somewhere with guidance from a more established breeder. Co-owners are important to many breeding programs also or they wouldn't be on the papers. There are many people who sometimes can make a successful kennel even more successful even when they are never mentioned."Breeders" who may not be listed on AKC papers for various reasons are also well appreciated for their efforts in getting people started, providing good dogs to start out with and for all their encouragement and shared knowledge. It's OK. They know who they are and are more than likely happy and proud even if they are the silent partner.

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

A very Big Congrats to CH Moses and to the Greens and all involved.

To the Hyspire gang, you always bring great dogs and Congrats to you too. You always are Gracious and humble and are always a big highlight as attendees of our Specialty.

Congrats to all the other Big winners as well, the show was graced with many beautiful Labs this year. Kendall's winning Chocolate puppy was very deserving as well. I was happy to see the Judge recognize such a nice chocolate.

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Thank you to so many for the wonderfully kind comments, posts and e-mails. We have been extremely blessed and had a wonderful weekend at the show. It was an honor to have our babies recognized by Elizabeth Bowron! The DFWLRC works hard every year to put on a whopper of a show and it never disappoints - from the warm, friendly people to the yummy bbq.

We'd like say how grateful we are for the friends we have made in Labs and for the opportunities we've been given. Kathy DeVito was generous enough to share Moses' mother, Tabatha's Mazie - bred and co-owned with Carol Heidl (need I say more?! (and a few other girls) with us and without her we would not have many of the dogs we have today. Moses is co-owned with Kathy and it has been an absolute pleasure having the opportunity raise, love and show him. Kathy is also the co-breeder of the WB, Holly - who is co-owned with our dear friend Candice Young. Dazzle (the Best Puppy) was bred by our friend Marco Iragorri and is the daughter of Ch. Paradocs Delians Scrubbing In and Ch. Cloud Nine Iragorri.

As most people know, not just one person can take credit or glory for a dog - it requires a group effort, people's willingness to share what they've worked so hard for and fabulous stud dogs that contribute wonderful qualities. Glory is not what we seek to attain - it is the wonderful friendships and opportunity to share our lives with some beautiful dogs. We've had many helping hands along the way and several who have been willing to share their encyclopedias of knowledge and encouragement. We owe many a huge THANK YOU but truly believe there has been a wonderful group effort that has gone into anything wonderful we've gotten to experience. God created something really wonderful when He designed the Labrador and we are all blessed by our true "silent partner"!

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Congrats to "Team Hyspire" for the wonderful finish of your beautiful girl - you girls always have beautiful dogs! And we hope Moses made his daddy (Rush) proud.

Congrats also to Pam & Gerald Harvey, Linda Cianco & Ryan Chambers, Kendall Herr & Jerry McCammack, Rae Chang, Jan Granneman (her baby sure had a great weekend!) and to many others. There were some beautiful dogs there this past weekend - just a preview of what's to come at Potomac!! See you guys there.

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Congrats to everyone at the DFW spec. Big congrats to Stacey and Starky Green. They have BEAUTIFUL dogs, and they are working SO hard to have a top notch program. Good luck and Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Debby Everett

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Congrats to Stacey Green and Marco Iragorri for that beautifull girl.
So sad Marco won't be at the Potomac to see her.
Hope his father gets well and and make it thru this difficult week they are having.
My prayers are with him and his dad, I'm sure they need them.

Re: DFWLRC Saturday results

Oh no! Who´s going to be the party animal in the bar at the Holiday Inn????