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New Champion

Hey Julie Jussaume!! Big Congratulations from Vonnie, Judy, and Lisa. It is their pleasure to announce your new champion: Maritime Forecast Matilde! And also congrats for going Best Opp. both days at Dallas Fort Worth!! Yea Tilde!

Re: New Champion

And well deserved! Such a nice girl.

Re: New Champion

Congratulations on the new CH.

Re: New Champion

Congratulations Julie! Tildee is a beautiful girl.

Re: New Champion

Tilde is a beautiful bitch. Congratulations on a well deserved champinship!

Re: New Champion

Congratulations Julie and the Hyspire gals....
Tilde is a beautiful girl and very deserving.

Best to all of you!

Re: New Champion

Congratulations to all involved! It was only a matter of time- she is a head-turner to be sure! Beautiful, that cutie-patootie Tilde!

Re: New Champion

Congrats Ladies! LOVE that Tilde!!

Re: New Champion

Congrats to all of you Girls!!
That is awesome!
Lovely bitch you have there and....
is it true that she's one of Vonnie's "Special" girls?
Hugs, Valerie - Bibsmom

Re: New Champion

YAHOO!!!! What wonderful news for the Hyspire Gang!! I'm so thrilled for you girls....Tilde is absolutely breath taking and so very deserving. BIG Hugs to you all