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estimating ovulation

If anybody is reading that is not headed to Potomac, using a progersterone of 16 on a Tuesday, what day would be your best guess as to day of ovulation? Needing it to calculate due date. Do not have a progesterone of 5 to go with.

Re: estimating ovulation

Were any previous progesterone tests done before the 16 nanograms that you might have caught the LH surge??

Re: estimating ovulation

Sunday evening would be my guess! Good Luck!

Re: estimating ovulation

IMO, Sunday is a great guess! Theoretically, bitches should be around 20ng/mL two days after ovulation, but they aren't all that quick to rise. If you don't have a previous progesterone number, do you have any other information about outward signs, reception of dogs, or change in discharge?

I like the visual presentation of this chart since it combines progesterone with vaginoscopy and smear information:

A few years ago, my bitch surprised me on day 7 of her season when her first progesterone was 18.2ng/mL. She was bred the next day and had 9 pups 57 days after breeding. I had assumed ovulation was 2 days before the 18.2, but it was likely more like 3 or 4 days prior.

A co-owned bitch of mine was with the field trainer when she came in season. Her first progesterone was 17.4 and she too was bred the next day. She had 9 pups 57 days later as well.

I am home with a litter that I pulled progesterones on throughout the breeding:

Thursday 1.05
Saturday 2.11
Monday 6.79
Tuesday 8.92 (first breeding)
Wednesday 12.60 (second breeding)
Friday 17.2 (third breeding)

She whelped 10 pups 55 days from the final breeding, which most closely corresponds to your progesterone number in question. She actually whelped 61 days from ovulation (or 62 if you say she ovulated on Sunday).

On the other hand, I have a friend whose bitch jumped from 5 to 33 in two days and have had bitches be well into the 20's on day of first breeding (2 days after ovulation), so it just goes to show that not all bitches are the same.

Without any other info and being conservative, she likely ovulated less than five days before the Tuesday she hit 16, but she could have ovulated as late as Monday!

Good luck!

Re: estimating ovulation

I apologize for what may seem a dumb question or, I'm not reading something right.
On Carries post her girl delivered 10 pups 55 days from the last breeding-I thought they shouldn't deliver before 58-63 days before last breeding. Where did I get confused or misinformed?
Thank you

Re: estimating ovulation

I apologize for what may seem a dumb question or, I'm not reading something right.
On Carries post her girl delivered 10 pups 55 days from the last breeding-I thought they shouldn't deliver before 58-63 days before last breeding. Where did I get confused or misinformed?
Thank you

Better that you learn and don't apologize for wanting to. Carrie will explain it better than I would. The information will help you better plan your breedings and due dates much better after she gives you approximate days past LH and ovulation. Try to remember, every b&tch is different. Some will take longer to reach certain no.s than others.

I had my largest litter conceived 12 hours after a 28 nanogram result. Really didn't think the breeding would take at all but the semen arrived in great shape so we tried. It was a 12 pup litter, all born alive, healthy and surviving.

I wonder how the breeders that don't use progesterone levels in ng.'s [gosh I can't remember the name of that way of testing in house literally] know the due dates.

Re: estimating ovulation

I apologize for what may seem a dumb question or, I'm not reading something right.
On Carries post her girl delivered 10 pups 55 days from the last breeding-I thought they shouldn't deliver before 58-63 days before last breeding. Where did I get confused or misinformed?
Thank you

See what I get for trying to explain too much and calculate from the day closest to the OP's number in question (16ng/mL)?!?! I should have written 57 days from the last breeding, not 55! Because my last breeding was four days after ovulation, she actually whelped 61 days after ovulation.

Due date is always calculated as 63 days from ovualtion (or 65 +/- 1 day from LH) rather than the last breeding. I was trying to share my experience to show that a bitch can be slow to get from 5.0 to the high teens, and it's really the day that the bitch passes 5.0ng/mL that matters.

Good catch, and I apologize for the typo!

Re: estimating ovulation

Thank you, I thought I was very mixed up, never even considered a typo. I'm sorry to have asked you to clarify but now it makes better sense to me.
Also, thank you for not getting defensive, sometimes I'm afraid to ask questions because of the way some posters answer.
You're a breath of fresh air.